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On Saturday Nate and I went ice diving in Forest Lake and tried out my new green water filter in the GoPro Hero2 camera. Nate was trying out his new camera also. The visibility was about 5' tops and the water clarity is typically really bad (green) in this lake. The ice was 21" of good crystal clear ice and 3" of granular ice on the top. I was really impressed with the filter, as most of the time I try to enhance the video electronically to eliminate some of the green. On this video I did not do any changes to contrast, brightness, or color and what you see is just from the green water filter. The above water shots are from the same GoPro camera using a housing withouth the filter.

Forest Lake 3-30-2013:
We also did an ice dive a couple weeks ago in Spectacle Lake that we took several videos and photos (most of which are still classified). There were 5 ice divers that day and, we needed all of them to reach our objective. Stay tuned for more on this covert video... >Big Grin There was one video we took that day that can be shown called "Honey Badger Dive Team in Operation Periscope":

Im glad you like the filter!! They are pretty amazing!!

does this have something to do with zombie apocalypse and an ice fishing house.

does this have something to do with zombie apocalypse and an ice fishing house.
Nope, The Zombie Apocalypse signs were just a deal to make someone laugh if they ever go to check out the fish house...  Smile
Thanks, I like the filter a ton, but I am kinda bummed that I took 95 other videos with out it, and now I think they all look terrible compared to what they could have looked like.

does this have something to do with zombie apocalypse and an ice fishing house.

Are you creeping on my FB page?  ???

Love the filter! I will have to add one to mine
On a funny noote... I was watching the filter video and kelly walked in and thought you were diving in sewage at first...... :-X.  Its ok I told her your motto  ;D. I dont think ill switch to a filter tho..
What version go pro are you using?
What version go pro are you using?

I had the gopro2 which I sold and just got the hero3 black.. I like the quality of both.. the hero3 black is a little better in some aspects both have flat lenses.. some of my old videos have the curved lens and that makes it look the worst by far