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OK, So obviously with the following statement being made, you were looking for controversy!

[This is probably going to get me arrested by the Dive Police... But this website needs some controversy to wake it up....

I really got a good laugh out of being referred to as a Rookie! Seriously, I did! In fact I am still smiling! Here is the reason:

When I first hooked up with Terry's (team), I was quite impressed with the fact that they were all very interested in what I had recently learned receiving my ice certification. Not from a negative standpoint, rather from one of extreme interest in wanting to know if I had learned something new that they were not aware of? What impressed me the most was that they were doing things that I thought were in some ways much better than what I had recently learned during cerification! We spent a considerable amount of time comparing and sharing old v/s maybe new/or different!

So regarding "Rookie"!
As everyone is aware, the new guy is always the Rookie no matter where! In my 27 year career, I think I was referred to as the Rookie till the day I retired! Why you ask? Because I was always searching for a better way to perform my duties! In addition to being a full time Officer, I spent 15 years as a Criminal Justice Instructor for the two year Cadet academy program and the 4 year Skills program. The great thing about that was it forced me to constantly keep up with new techniques,procedures and Law. I also was an active member of our S.W.A.T.
To Me there was nothing more scary than a senior Officer who refused to accept new techniques or procedures-from a Rookie! Yes, experience goes a very long way, but I was put in harms way too often by senior officers who knew it all and took unnecessary risks or chances or shortcuts!
As with anything, the longer or more often that you do something, the greater the chance is that you will start taking risks! I would bet that not too long ago you would have never ever separated yourself from a line-not even for a second!
So in closing, I want you to know that I have not taken offense to your response, I totally understood what you were trying to accomplish for the video and I totally agree that controversy is a very good thing, provided everyone is looking for a positive outcome and hopefully takes something positive away from the session. I may even change my handle to ROOKIE-is there a way to do that? LOL Cheers
I forgot, I need to finish my cup of coffee in the morning before I respond to anything online. Big Grin Welcome to the board, Rookie!

By the way, I am definitely not an old guy that refuses to change with modern technology. I took my training and certification as a guideline, and expanded on it from there on what works for us. But, the older I get, the further I step back from the edge. Huh

Was Freddie a random choice of music for your video, or was that A reference to the Shock & Awe from the first challenge?
Shock & Awe baby, Shock & Awe!
Yes unlike a sport where variables are controlled like basketball or racing... diving has unlimited variables, few guidelines, self imposed rules, and harsh penalties.

yes, i joked with guys this weekend, but in all seriousness,if i ever didn't make it out of hole, i suggested to the gang, as a last sign that i maintained the cool to the end, that i swear id have my mask on, and take my regulator and stuff it down my drysuit. so that when they find me, they could say. hey how about that he really did do that! thats kinda neat.thanks popo for diving with us. alternatively i might stuff my gloves down my suit also. a true warrior is not afraid of the end, just that it comes as well as we might hope.
did the first open then semi-open ice dive of the season today... howard lake had 80% ice coverage, but we were messing around in the open water... poor vis makes it easy to swim under the ice and not even realize you are out of open water,,... your compass becomes your lifeline.

What's up rookie? You were so helpful with diving and internet protocol, I thought a direct question wouldn't be a problem? Speaking of which, do you have any insight on spearfishing that you could enlighten me with? ROTFLMAO Big GrinBig Grin
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