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I found this link for lake maps. Not free but it seems pretty cool. They even sell CD's with the maps and they are in color, show depths and are zoomable like Acrobat files are. The actual spiral bound books are divided into 10 regions and cost $21.95 apiece or you can buy all 10 regions for $169.95. There are two CD's available. They split up the lakes into north and south regions and run $39.95 apiece.
Say , those maps look really neat!!!
And they have Wisconsin maps too...I know Wis. DNR site is kinda flakey , so they would be cool to have too!!!

Jean Big Grin
I bought the south MN CD and it is VERY good, it takes a little to learn how to use it, but you can search by different key words, places, and just about any other thing you can think of. Smile