Full Version: Lac Lavon - Apple Valley
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Arm's length vis? Weeds to the surface? Hassling with a permit?

If I were you I would drive another 1/2 hour to Tonka instead! Smile
this lake is a constant problem with divers

My log shows that I've managed to empty 16 cylinders of air in Lac Lavon so far this year. I like watching the lake change with the seasons.

I'll post some bad photos taken with my $22 camera (thanks ebay). The best diving is along the wall and that separates the arm of the lake where the fishing platform is from the main part of the lake. Larger fish, better viz, depth goes from 20' to about 3' in the space of 30' horizontally. Larger sunfish, quite a few largemouth bass, and I've seen (but not photograhed) one walleye and one northern. And, a painted turtle. Bring enough air, it's about a 10-15 minute swim each way.

Viz peaked at about 10' a couple weeks ago and is now down a little bit from that but much better than the early spring.
Glad to see some are still diving that little pool. Miss that lake but living up north now with better diving locations and yes, finally getting back into diving after taking a few years off as a new daddy. Time to get back to having fun under the water.
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