Full Version: Anyone ever dive Mille Lacs?
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Have any of you guys ever dove Mille Lacs in the summer? I hear it has gotten clearer in the last few years due to zebra mussels. I also hear there might be some big carp up there for spearfishing. Or maybe some buffalo?
Any info would be appreciated!

Nate and I have dove near Indian point and at Spirit Island in the summer. We actually used the tow sled in both places. I think the East side of Mille Lacs is clearer because of the rivers on the west side dumping silt in there.
So was it worth the trip Detector? Lots of fish life? Ok for freediving?
There was a few fish around. The big rocks around Spirit Island and Indian point were fun enough but like I said the viz wasn't that good. The viz around Hennepin Island should be better... but smaller area of smaller rocks. We summer dove at the South end in Walkon Bay but it was muddy where we were. We also summer dove just East of the Rum River inlet but that was all sand. I would say follow the rocks that extend out to the south of Spirit Island.