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My sister in NM just sent me this.. that's her feet in the pic. just getting ready to release at about 4500'. Usually she's running off cliffs. Getting thoroughly thrilled must run in the family.
Wow! That's pretty cool...

I still can't see jumping out of a perfectly good airplane, but I think I would try it once just to say I've done it.
she's actually tethered to a rope/boat way down below..and about to pull the release. I think you can make out the wake of the boat. para-sailing I think they call it.. crazy either way.
That would be Para-sailing the X-games way!!
Awesome. What body of water is that below?
I re-read my sisters post.. and see that it is not her feet in this pic, it was in others though.. it was Lake Sacramento in mid Cal. here's her e-mail that accompanied several photos: "This was an awsome day! The others (this particular photo) are of the maneuvers clinic that we went to taken by a pilot on different days. However, it was the same view. In the first one, the red is a parachute attached to 7000' of line. The bit of white wake just out from that is the boat wake with the boat turning a hard right to signal "release". Both of the last 2 show what we saw at the end of the tow. We were about 4500' up at that point and just ready to release the tow line or had just released. "
This looks like a hobby I could get into..someday.. maybe not.