Full Version: Picture attachment glitch?
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I tried to modify my Superior dive review post by switching the original photo I had in there with a new color corrected version that Jason did. For some reason the photo isn't showing up. I tried a new post with the picture and it is recognizing the file name and won't post the picture because I already attempted posting the file when I tried modifying the post. ??? Anyway I have the new version on my Webshots page now. Wink
You need to change the name of the new file or it won't work...
Yeah, I actually did. I typed a "B" after the file name and it still didn't work. I'll try changing it again and see what happens otherwise no big deal. still didn't work. Oh well. ???
That is weird... Did you try it in a new post or while modifying an existing post?
I was trying to modify the existing post by deleting the picture and replacing it with a different one. Apparently you can't do that. I did get the picture posted in a new reply in the thread though now. Smile