Full Version: Hi Friends! Update for getting in the pool
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I thought I would share this update. On June 9th I'll be
getting in the pool for some basic water therapy. Not submerging yet but just to start getting used to the water again. I was
hoping it would be sooner but that is the soonest it's going to
happen. It's the soonest we could get a meeting to make it all work.
It won't be much of a meeting since I have it all figured out. It's a
meeting in the pool. One of my dive buddies and one of my nurses is
going to help me around the pool. This is a big step for my diving.

Take care! Safe diving all! Matt. ;D

That's AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Congratulations on all the progress you've made!!!!
I'm jealous of that dry suit man Tongue ;D...
If you need any more support divers I'd be happy to come and help out or add moral support!!!

Happy Diving!!!!


Eric Westover
Yeah, I am excited to start getting into a pool, but not going to submerge just yet.  Just for swimming now.  I have a friend that is running some experiments on a ventilator, keeping it above water.  So I know what will work for me.  When I get results of those studies, I will be diving shortly!  If I need another support diver I will call on you, that's really awesome of you to offer.  Take care.

you've worked hard and the day is getting closer. be sure to let us all know when/where you get to submerge.

ticket sales could be through the roof  Wink


treasure dive at square lake this weekend (may 22nd), come on out and meet some fellow divers..

Hi Jerry, lol, thanks for the message.  Of COURSE I will let you all know that date that I finally get to submerge!  But for now, it's just in the pool to get used to the water.  Take care, and thanks for your continued support.

Matt 8)