Full Version: Perch Lake Fun Dive and Superior Weekend
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We are heading out to Perch Lake again this Friday night for a fun dive. $5.00 gets you a free air fill and some bbq grillables. 1/2 price on rental gear.

We were out at Perch last week and dove the park side. Visibility was about 15-20 feet above the thermocline. Water temperature was about 70 degrees until the thermocline at around 20 feet.

We are also heading out to Superior the weekend of Sept. 12, 13, 14. We are camping at Northern Exposure. 1/2 price on rentals. Come for the day or the weekend.

Please call the store to sign up for any of these fun dives.
Are you really charging $5 for free airfills?

Sorry Scott, couldn't resist. We're looking forward to seeing you guys on Thurs.

Happy Diving,
Thanks to Scott and Tracy for hosting a great weekend of diving at Superior this weekend. We dove three wrecks, the Ely, Madeira, and Hesper. The weather was absolutely fantastic and the diving conditions were superb with calm water and mild water temps for Lake Superior. Smile Here is a pic of Jason on the Madeira.
Thanks Scott and Tracy! You guys rock. And thanks to Lonnie for always making me look so cool in those photos.
LOL...yeah, you're in every picture I take practically. You need to get a camera now too so I can be in some pictures. Wink
Thank you to everybody that came along. You couldn't have asked for better weather or conditions. Tracy and I had a blast and can't wait until we can do it again. sdw