TRINITY'S 1st Annual 2010/2011 Icing/ Anchoring Challenge - Printable Version

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Re: TRINITY'S 1st Annual 2010/2011 Icing/ Anchoring Challenge - Hydro - 03-21-2011

Ha.. congrats on the deceitful win, you showed all those bastards that laughed at you doing the 1 hole a weekend grind! I was never in the running but I had fun and dove a lot of holes in a lot of lakes I normally wouldn't have gone to. Finding a loophole in the rules is a pretty common way to get and stay ahead.. look at all those billionaires that pay 10% taxes and their secretaries pay 25%.. or companies that pay 1%... loopholes are legit...and you found one to get you the win!

All kidding aside it was pretty fun, I'm glad robert made the rally on sat and jumped ahead of me... as steve's glory hole can attest, you just gotta jump the right hole, and be sure to look on the bottom of the lake.

Terry has now become immortal in the legends of ice fishermen wondering if they caught a shark or an ice diver. I don't think the frozen lakes will be the same.  Big Grin

Re: TRINITY'S 1st Annual 2010/2011 Icing/ Anchoring Challenge - Shooter - 03-21-2011

??? Thanks, I think  ???  it was a grind!  over 1000 minutes under the ice ;D! I'm not sure I agree with it being deceitful or a loophole though. Just good strategy.  ;D it was a lot of fun, and that's what matters!
We did dive two holes on the last day. We even pushed the ice under on the second one, as I strained my back on the first one. I got a little nervous when it popped back up in the hole when I was tending  :o. After diving for 45 minutes when I got out, I was a little cold so I did set up the shelter and turn the heater on  Wink

Re: TRINITY'S 1st Annual 2010/2011 Icing/ Anchoring Challenge - scubafreek864 - 03-21-2011


I had to laugh when I heard this on the radio this morning at work.  Made me think of you guys right away.

It was a fun competition, even though I was also not in the running.  I do know what you guys have to go through as PSD's.   Was part of our local team, till we called it quits.  That is a whole other story.   Sad

Can't wait for the get together to meet everyone that I have not gotten a chance to yet.  Take care! 

Re: TRINITY'S 1st Annual 2010/2011 Icing/ Anchoring Challenge - arcFlash - 03-21-2011

I thought we agreed early on to post pics right away so the numbers meant something. Didn't we all agree to not hide anchors? I swear I read a post about not saving anything for the end like this.

I suppose you two should win seeing how you chased Art out of the comp so the two of you could keep everything to yourselves. Terry and I picked up two more dives and we shared with them. Seeing how Robert not even in the challenge was allowed to pull 19, that would have been our win so we lose for being the bigger men. You two win the count but Terry and I are better for not going to that level.

Good job on getting the win John. Nate, no bragging, your a loser like everyone else. John the only one talking smack. It was always individual. If it's teams, G-men pulled the most total numbers.

When the numbers are posted I'll get the trophy's etched.

Re: TRINITY'S 1st Annual 2010/2011 Icing/ Anchoring Challenge - Shooter - 03-21-2011

Yes, but I am the place loser! And if you will read my thank you post, you will see that I gave credit where credit is due, that is pronounced ;D
Shock & Awe, Steve, Shock & Awe.
ps Art wanted no part of the competition from the start

Re: TRINITY'S 1st Annual 2010/2011 Icing/ Anchoring Challenge - arcFlash - 03-21-2011

Big whoopi, you got me by one! LOSER!  ;D

I don't buy that, He pulled 5 and then stopped.

Yes, but I am the place loser! And if you will read my thank you post, you will see that I gave credit where credit is due, that is pronounced ;D
Shock & Awe, Steve, Shock & Awe.
ps Art wanted no part of the competition from the start

Re: TRINITY'S 1st Annual 2010/2011 Icing/ Anchoring Challenge - DetectorGuy - 03-21-2011

Diving is a sport where a person relies on redundant systems. I don't do much of anything with out redundancy. I surely was not going to get wrapped up into a 4 month long contest without a plan of how to be successful. I had a goal in mind prior to starting this thing of getting in over 20 ice dives. I ended up with 24. These 24 dives totaled 1110 minutes of bottom time. That is 18 1/2 hours under the ice sheet which doesn't sound like much for a 4 month duration. The average dive was 46 minutes and 15 seconds. My longest ice dive was 81 minutes and the shortest was 10 minutes. The average number of anchors I recovered per dive was 2.083. The least amout of anchors I recovered from one hole was zero and the most I recovered from one hole was 11. This contest for me was more to challenge myself than to actually get a head of someone else. I realize that with out the fierce competition, I would not have had the motivation to be at the landing at 6:30 AM every morning.

The real award should go to our significant others for putting up with our silly game that robbed 16 or 17 weekends of family time. I am sure that there were things that my daughter and wife wanted me to do all those weekends. For those of you who were also in the contest, I am sure you all had your own hurdles to overcome. While I do appreciate the win, I don't know if it was worth the effort and sacrifice to have a bunch of rusting anchors sitting in the yard. At $300 per ton for scrap steel, I can just about put enough diesel fuel in my truck to get them to the to the scrap yard. With ego's as big as mine and the rest of the contestants, I knew that the bragging rights would be more contentious than if we were playing for $10 per diver in a pot.

I will scan in the dive logs and attach the PDF soon and if I could borrow a computer link cable from somebody for my suunto Vyper or Tusa IQ700 dive computer, I can verify the dive logs that way too if anyone is questioning my integrity.

Re: TRINITY'S 1st Annual 2010/2011 Icing/ Anchoring Challenge - Shooter - 03-21-2011

thanks  ???
Missed it by that much!  ;D
Not sellin', he wanted no part of it. Something about pushing the safety boundries  :Smile

Are the judges feeling the effects from the Shock & Awe as well?  :o :o ;D ;D

Yes, but I am the place loser! And if you will read my thank you post, you will see that I gave credit where credit is due, that is pronounced ;D
Shock & Awe, Steve, Shock & Awe.
ps Art wanted no part of the competition from the start

Re: TRINITY'S 1st Annual 2010/2011 Icing/ Anchoring Challenge - arcFlash - 03-21-2011

I didn't even log all my dives. I don't really know what I got. 26 maybe but I'll never know and don't rightly care.

I guess that's part of the reason we didn't commit to winning. I didn't sacrifice anything. I don't see that Terry did ether. I think he said we've dove every weekend but 4 in 7 months and we have plans to dive the Milwaukee this weekend and then into summer.

The part about losing that suck is the way you presented it. Had you put up the numbers as normal and we couldn't catch you that's a fair fight but to hide them involved deceit. I wasn't raise to win like that and I think the rest of us feel the same. Sure Terry and I dove the last hours to overtake you but that's just fighting to the bitter end, but to employ deceit feels wrong. I guess the G-men are too honest. We didn't even joke about hiding the truth.

For the record, it was ice out, terry ended it because you too were getting into trouble with the spouse and he felt bad for you guys.

Oh, well, on to summer. Nice guys finish last.

Re: TRINITY'S 1st Annual 2010/2011 Icing/ Anchoring Challenge - Shooter - 03-21-2011

" you got to know when to hold 'em, know when to fold 'em, know when to walk away, know when to run. You never count your anchors, when your sittin' at the keyboard, there will be time enough for counting, when the competitions done!"  ;D