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Calhoun - Who has been in, who would go Sun, Sept. 21?
09-16-2003, 10:34 PM,
Calhoun - Who has been in, who would go Sun, Sept. 21?
Some three weeks ago, one of the TC shops planned to do a dive in Lake Calhoun in Minneapolis, but it got canceled, b/c not enough people signed up.

Two questions:
-Anybody on the list that has been in Calhoun and can report to the conditions - Is it worth going in or is it like one might expect an inner-city lake to be - not much viz, but lots of trash? What would be the best shore location to start from?
-Who would be up for checking it out on Sun, 9/21?
(ok, that was three - well, twoandahalf really)

(OW four weeks ago, have been in Square, Perch, and Wazee since then - yahoo!)
09-17-2003, 08:02 AM,
Re:Calhoun - Who has been in, who would go Sun, Sept. 21?
I was out there last Wednesday with a couple of others. I can't say for sure where we went in, street names wise, but it was pretty much across from the bandshell.

Viz was not good shallow. It opened up a bit below 25', may 5'-10'. I can't say that there was much of anything on the bottom. I will say that the water that was in my mask had a bit of an aroma to it. Calhoun might be more interesting in the early spring or late fall when the viz is a bit better and whatever is living in the water is for the most part dead.

09-17-2003, 08:18 AM,
Re:Calhoun - Who has been in, who would go Sun, Sept. 21?
Here's a post from some people that went last week:

I'ld be interested in going Sunday. I don't think it will be a great dive, but at least it's close. Harriet might also be one to check out.

09-17-2003, 12:20 PM,
Re:Calhoun - Who has been in, who would go Sun, Sept. 21?
Made three dives May 31, 2003. I was surprised by the water clarity (not 100' or anything, but much better than I'd expect, it was about 10 - 15').

Also surprising was the lack of trash/junk. Did find an old 7-UP bottle.

We entered along the south side, while our dives maxed out at 40' although you can go deeper.

I'd do it again, but cannot this weekend.

It's fun to see the people watch you as you enter/exit the water - enjoy.
'C'mon, c'mon! What're you waiting for? Daddy needs his medicine...' ~ Capt. Murphy
09-17-2003, 09:37 PM,
Re:Calhoun - Who has been in, who would go Sun, Sept. 21?
Mark, Scott, Joel:

Thanks for the good suggestions. I will check with Smith and see where they do the pumpkin carving from.

So if Calhoun isn't quite the ticket, what other lakes in the metro would be good for a quick dip on Sunday?

Anyone up for a dive in ANY choice metro lake on Sunday?


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