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CWSC Portage County Treasure Hunt
07-14-2004, 06:36 AM,
CWSC Portage County Treasure Hunt
Come one, come all! Come to Portage County and participate in an underwater treasure hunt! The Central Wisconsin Scuba Club has got an awesome, awesome contest going right now. There is a treasure chest hidden in a lake in Portage County. The challenge? You need to find the treasure chest.

And why would you want to find the chest? Because there is roughly $900 worth of prizes from local businessess to be had to the person who finds the chest!

See for more details on the contest. This link:

will take you directly to the contest rules and information. By visiting the sponsor businesses listed on that page, you can obtain clues to where the lake may be.

The club is doing this to give divers an excuse to dive local lakes - so get out to those businesses, get your clues and get DIVING!!!

I know this might not qualify as "local" diving to all of you, but if you are in the area, or want to try out some different small lakes, this is the perfect excuse!
Everyone spends the first nine months of their life in water - the lucky ones make frequent return visits.

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