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03-06-2003, 01:18 PM,
A bit of words on the cun trip. I feel really bad Sad and you may all hate me for this... that I didn't go on a scuba dive. I was really, really going to go this time, but golly it's tough. I had even brought the regulator, etc. along. What is wrong with me??!!

Anyway, no super deep freedives. Did lots of snorkeling with my wife everyday (she's still got that one ear :'( , and limited to -12') and most days the places afforded me the opportunity to get to a little depth (-20,-30'). I really geared the last day to my kinda diving and my wife was patient as we spent most of the day in -40' over at Coz. Real glad I had brought the dive flag!! Holy boat traffic!

Gave Sandy and some people we met from Austria a pretty good scare onetime in a cenote when I entered a dark hole that when I went down to about -12 I could see daylight on the other side about 50' away so off I went. They never bothered to submerge to have a look see so they didn't realize it was a swim through and when I didn't return for several minutes I guess they were calling for me.. a little excited as no one knew who was going to go looking for me. I couldn't hear them yelling but returned after several minutes and got quite a lecture. Nice to know my wife still worries about me. Wink

We did see lot's - some of the highlights for us to see were permit, lobster (yum), queen triggers, yellow ray, spotted eel, and we always enjoy seeing the eagle ray. Sandy said after I got out of the water when she cruised around some rocks that there was something under that looked like the large face of a nurse shark but it was a bit dark so she wasn't sure. More than likely it was, the only other thing I could think that it might have been would have been a southern searay as I have sometimes seen nurse sharks in the shadows that at first I thought were a ray. Maybe a gouper in the shade?

It was so rough where we were staying we actually saw 2 people hauled away by ambulance that tried to go snorkeling. This is very unusual for this place (consistent wind) but apparently not so as it nears spring. Both were conscious when hauled away but between the current and waves must have inhaled a lot of salt water. We did venture out but it wasn't worth it. On one trip she wore a lot of lead and on the return against the current handed it off to me because it was holding her back (getting tired) just before a huge wave ripped her mask off. Fortunately she caught it.

And as I mentioned in an earlier post.. finning down in a cavern at Casa Cenote and all of a sudden having a "stop here" sign in front of me was cool. Since we had to travel to find good water we found lots of good, sometimes free, always reasonable, great places to dive. Did a good job of avoiding the tourist stuff and like you know if you've been out of minnesota.. what a great deal to be in water where your buddy can be over there and by golly you can see 'em!!

Cold and dark down there huh?
03-06-2003, 02:12 PM,
Sounds like fun!!!
Didn't SCUBA??? I think we have to have a talk...

Jean Wink
How's my diving? Call 1-800-EAT-FISH

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