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DPV Questions
11-20-2011, 08:39 PM,
DPV Questions
While I found a number of articles on DPVs, however many were several years.  So, any thoughts on what would be a good unit in the $500 to $1000 max range?  Any shops plan on demos this spring?  What brands do the LDS's seem to sell?  I do a fair amount of lake diving in the Alex area.  Much of it is swimming along a steep sandy slope in the 15 to 40' depth range.  My vision is getting something that would go 2m/h and have a battery life of at least that.  The theory would be that each 1 hr dive would scan/travel 2 miles of bottom.      A last question is, will the reality of having one be as good as my dream about getting one????   
11-21-2011, 11:13 PM,
Re: DPV Questions
The Tahoe Benchmark  2009 scooter report
also a 2011 report too

i couldnt get this tp copy and paste but it will come up on web for you
11-22-2011, 07:37 AM,
Re: DPV Questions

I would be looking at a used Mako, they can be found for under a grand. You will not be getting anything near 2hrs burntime. More like 45-60min.
Beyond that your looking at big bucks for a scooter. With a used Mako you can see if its something your really interested in with out breaking the bank.

11-23-2011, 10:34 PM,
Re: DPV Questions
Thanks for the information.  The Tahoe report is great.  It was also very good to get a recommendation and then be able to see how it stacked up to other units in the Tahoe Benchmark report.  From reviews and forum discussions out there it seems like many people like the Mako.  As I was concerned about and expecting when I started this investigation, to get something I will be happy with it will take some coin.    Fingers crossed on finding a good used one.  Thanks again!!!
11-26-2011, 09:21 AM,
Re: DPV Questions
I was at one point considering dragging a small one on my surface buoy, more to get back to the entry point than anything else. underwater with the typical vis around Twin cities i imagine it would be too difficult to navigate underwater with plus stay close enough to bottom to see it without kicking up silt.
&quot;Dont make me wont win..&quot; wise words to the wife.<br />&quot;is it more important to protect the innocent, or Punish the guilty,That is, after all, why we punish the guilty&quot;
04-01-2012, 06:38 AM,
Re: DPV Questions
I ended up with a Tusa sav7 Evolution.    The hands free riding seems like a great feature.  Also, as advertised it pulls 2 people and the rider well.    After the first time diving with it, I believe it is going to more than meet what I was hoping it would do and that is cover some extra ground. (extra ground = increased odds of finding "gold") 

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