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Dive Site in at Lake Ore-be-Gone
09-19-2005, 07:33 AM,
Dive Site in at Lake Ore-be-Gone
We started at about 12:20 hooking up the crane and by 2:30 we had all the items sitting on the bottom by the landing and the crane was gone After a little picnic lunch we started rigging the bus, the first to be moved into location and the heaviest about 7,000 lbs. Everything went well the next to go to it's site location was the huey helicopter and everything went great and it now sits at the furtherest bouy from the beach. It is 6:30 PM and we decided to do more on Sunday morning. We started at 8:00 AM and we moved the small plane to it's location and when we were setting it down it drifted off its mark, we will be rehooking it and moving it into place sometime this week. The LOCH is sitting at it's location and the large plane and 2 new training platforms will need to be moved later.
The marking bouys will stay up till sometime in October so it will be easy to locate them for those that like to do some good fall diving.
It was hard work and we had a great time.
Pictures should be up on the web site soon
09-26-2005, 05:02 PM,
Re: Dive Site in at Lake Ore-be-Gone
Lake Ore-Be-Gone was already a great dive. Can't wait to check out the new sites. Thanks for your hard work! -  Big Grin
09-28-2005, 09:34 PM, (This post was last modified: 10-08-2005, 01:50 PM by usediver.)
Re: Dive Site in at Lake Ore-be-Gone
by the way, what are some of the depths these items are staged at, so we can plan a trip ??  thanks.

this is a response i got from tp scuba...

The deepest at the bottom is about 65 feet.  The water level is down by 6 to 8 feet, so with rain, lots of snow and as the level comes up it will push everything  deeper.  We have white bouys marking the spots they are located at and they will stay out for a few more weeks.   We are in the process of making a map with the GPS locations and some of the sites don't have bouys on them such as the south shore boat and car, 2nd speeder, plant cat and beach side boat.            Campgrounds are avail nearby.

The small chopper is at 35ft.   the bus is at 60ft,   the single engine plane is at 41ft    the big chopper is at 50ft,    the twin engine plane is temporally at 36 ft and not marked.   the speeders are at 30ft

10-08-2005, 07:02 PM,
Re: Dive Site in at Lake Ore-be-Gone
I dove there today and we made it to the small chopper out to the left then to the bus.  On our second dive we went to the single engine plane and then to the old speeders and the old boat.  I didn't know about a bigger chopper or twin engine plane, or the plant cat or the other boat.  Bummer.  I'll have to plan that for spring as I don't think we'll make it back before winter.  It was cool to see the new stuff though.  Thanks!
Jeff C.<br />Duluth- Superior Scuba
10-11-2005, 05:25 PM,
Re: Dive Site in at Lake Ore-be-Gone
I dove Ore Be Gone yesterday, 10/10. Went to the camping registration building, but they didn't seem to know about any maps for divers. Entered the water just before sundown. It was perfectly still, beautiful lighting on the water, loons calling. Found the single engine plane which is buoyed, but the viz was not the greatest at 10-15 feet, so didn't find any of the other new stuff. Did the platforms, boat and speeder cars, but I'd seen them before. There were tons of fish, including several 10-14 in small mouth.  Very peaceful.
10-12-2005, 06:13 PM,
Re: Dive Site in at Lake Ore-be-Gone
The sites are great I see you moved the big plane straight down and to the north a litle to 40 feet of water. Is that where it will be staying? Went to all the bouys and really enjoyed it. 2 tank dive and lots of fish moving in on the new stuff. I like where the bus is Great job!!
10-13-2005, 08:16 AM,
Re: Dive Site in at Lake Ore-be-Gone
Thank you. The twin engine plane will be moved to a finale site next year probably in May. This weekend we will be pulling the marking bouys down on the sites for the season. As for a map we are hoping to get all the GPS location and we have an engineer who is making a map for us and hope to have a print next spring at the dive shop.

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