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National Geographic diver dies from the 'bends' ?
07-29-2009, 03:54 PM,
National Geographic diver dies from the 'bends' ?

A National Geographic diver has died in Greece from a suspected case of "the bends" during an underwater filming project.

By Ben Leach
Published: 7:00AM BST 25 May 2009
Carl Spencer: National Geographic diver dies 'from the bends' while filming in Greece
Diver Carl Spencer who died whilst filming in Greece

Carl Spencer, from Burton-on-Trent, Staffs, was part of a 17-member crew commissioned by the magazine to film the wreck of HMHS Britannic.

Authorities in Greece said they believed the married father-of-two died from decompression sickness - the bends - although the company said it could have been from faulty equipment.

The incident happened in the waters of the Straits of Kea, a small island about 150 nautical miles south-east of Athens.

Colleagues said Mr Spencer, a master diver, began experiencing discomfort during a routine dive and began convulsing.

He was brought to the surface unconscious and was taken to Athens Naval Hospital by helicopter, but did not regain consciousness and died 35 minutes later.

He was part of a National Geographic team filming the wreck of the Britannic, the British World War I hospital ship that sank off the island in 1916 after hitting a mine.

Greek Ministry of Merchant Marine spokeswoman, Aspa Papadopoulou, said he was found "unconscious with decompression sickness symptoms".

"Everything was done to save his life," she said.

"A fully-equipped military Super Puma helicopter was rushed in to take him to the best possible hospital in Athens and even in flight every possible method of artificial respiration was tried to resuscitate him.

"The helicopter landed at the military airport of Katechaki, on the outskirts of Athens, after which he was rushed to the Athens Naval Hospital because there is a decompression chamber there."

She added: "But he never regained consciousness."

A spokesman for the company in Greece said Mr Spencer, a director for Spencair Ltd, a heating and air conditioning company, was one of Britain's most experienced wreck divers who was leading the filming expedition.

"We can't say for sure what caused his death - whether it was his equipment or decompression sickness," he said.

"We are waiting for the coroner's report tomorrow."

He was an "experienced mixed gas and closed circuit rebreather diver" who had been on three previous missions to film the Britannic, the spokesman added.

This included taking part in an exploration of the Titanic wreckage as part of a Discovery Channel expedition led by filmmaker James Cameron, who directed the 1997 blockbuster "Titanic."

A spokeswoman for National Geographic in the UK added that the company was "profoundly saddened" by his death.

She added: "The National Geographic team on location is working closely with Greek authorities, who are leading the investigation.

"Our thoughts and prayers are with Carl's family and friends."

Decompression sickness is caused by surfacing too quickly after a deep dive.

The condition can cause rashes, joint pain, headaches, and paralysis.

Death only occurs in extreme cases.

It can take hours or even days after a dive before sufferers become aware that they have decompression sickness.

There are around 300 cases in the UK every year.

The Britannic wreck is owned by a British businessman, Simon Mills, who intends to transform it into an underwater tourist attraction.

He has announced plans to take tourists down to the hulk in mini submarines.

Mr Spencer's family were too distressed to comment.

not a lot of info  :-\
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