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Where to go?
03-02-2003, 06:07 AM,
Where to go?
OK all, I need a little destination help. I'm planning on a surprise (for her) trip as a birthday present and I'm drawing a blank. Has to have good diving, but not require extensive flight time. I orginally thought Bonaire, but the flights/layovers are just too long. Oh, and it would be nice to not be in the poor house when we return, so budgetary concerns apply. Thanks in advance.

Blessed are they who can laugh at themselves for they shall never cease to be amused.

03-02-2003, 08:23 AM,
Re:Where to go?
I'm sure many people on the board could make wonderful suggestions if you could define a little more what your thinking of for the diving. Warm water only? Fish and coral only or also a wreck or two? Shallow only or also some wall diving? Weekend trip or weeklong trip? Something different that you haven't been to or the old tried and true?
Safety first, ego last, actions speak louder than words or c-cards.
03-02-2003, 03:25 PM,
Re:Where to go?
I would look for a charter flight -- mlt, transglobal, etc -- so that you can minimize travel time to warm water destinations. If I had to pick one location right now I would choose Grand Cayman.

You might consider a dive trip to the Florida Keys or Bahamas as well.
03-02-2003, 11:49 PM,
Re:Where to go?
Good call Jason, I had not even considered the Bahama's. Keys and GC nice as well.

FMT, I believe you are right, a more focused approach is best.
Following are absolutely essential-warm water, good vis, lots of fish, exotic locale (relativeley speaking), not all day on a plane, all diving within recreational limits, safe/and or family friendly, no roughing it. By no roughing I mean hot water and beds, not 5 star accomadations. Keep in mind this is a milestone birthday, so I want it to be great. Has to be for 7 days cause anything less makes me cry when I have to leave.

Optional- shore diving, walls, wrecks, and it would be nice to see a shark or 2. Keeping it within a reasonable budget would be very nice.

I thought about Coz, because that is where we were married, but thinking something new would be better.

Blessed are they who can laugh at themselves for they shall never cease to be amused.

03-03-2003, 08:00 AM,
Re:Where to go?
I took a week in Key Largo in December 2002. The diving was wonderful (IMHO). And I dove with the shop that was voted #1 boat crew by Rodale's mag. (It was sheer luck that I picked that shop. The report actually came out when I was down there). If you picks the Keys , try Key Largo -or- Islamorada. Key West is OK , but the upper keys are much better. (So say the natives!!!)

Tanx...Jean Smile
How's my diving? Call 1-800-EAT-FISH
03-06-2003, 11:59 AM,
Re:Where to go?
Or how about a liveaboard... there's always mexico too. Maybe Chinchorro Banks in s.e. mexico. Land in Cun, rent a car, fly, or bus it to the other end of the country (never been there but hearing good things)

Cold and dark down there huh?
03-13-2003, 11:00 PM,
Re:Where to go?
I have extra time share weeks and some bonus weeks available .If you narrow it down to a couple choices and have an idea of dates I can probabaly find you a really great place to stay for less than most hotels or packages. I can give you more detail if you have any interest. If anyone else is interested let me know. Cheapest is for short notice (60 days or less in advance) or just on the edge of the most popular dates, usually for 2-6 people but sometimes larger is avail.
LInda Deef Smile

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