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Phoenix and L.A.
12-27-2004, 05:44 PM,
Phoenix and L.A.
I am going to Phoenix and L.A. this summer thought I might get a few dives in near L.A. any thoughts for a day trip of diving. I am flying into Phoenix for Memorial weakend and driving to L.A. on the 1st of June for a weding on the 4th so I have some time durring the week and a rental suv :o
MNLakeDiver (aka Jim)<br />The water is so cold I can see my breath !
12-28-2004, 02:50 PM,
Re:Phoenix and L.A.

An easy day trip is to take the high speed ferry out of Long Beach to Catalina Island. You can then either shore dive off Casino Point, or I've been out with Scuba Luv dive shop. You can go on the charter as a day trip, but it makes a long day. You need to catch the first ferry over at 6 or 6:30 am, then make sure to catch the 7 pm ferry back.

I have also been out of Ventura on the Spectre for day trips to Ana Capa and Santa Anna islands.

I would recommend either charter.

Jeff Leech
12-28-2004, 05:54 PM,
Re:Phoenix and L.A.
I personally recommend shore diving at Casino Point on Catalina Island on a weekday. It gets a bit busy on weekends around that time of the year. You could easily have 3 dives by taking 6:30am ferry out of Long Beach to Avalon and 3:30pm ferry back. You'd be back on the mainland before 5pm. You can get your tank filled at the park for $5.

Try posting your question on or socal forum on

12-29-2004, 11:00 AM,
Re:Phoenix and L.A.
I have been reading my way through scubaboard socal.
thanks for the tip. Casino Point sounds like a good call.
MNLakeDiver (aka Jim)<br />The water is so cold I can see my breath !

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