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Wetsuit for MN
02-06-2007, 10:36 PM,
Re: Wetsuit for MN
Look up!  See the "Diveshops" button at the top of the screen?  Click on it and look at some of the diveshops in your area.  Go in and try on several brands of suits. 

If it is easy to put on in the shop, it will be too loose in the water.  If it is too hard to put on, you will suffer heatstroke putting it on in July!  It's hard to define the perfect fit.  The only way I can describe it is "second Skin!"

The new neoprenes are more stretchy and forgiving of that third trip to the buffet than older suits.  Some suits are made with instantly dry outer layers, or those that do not feel as cold in a light breeze than a normal neoprene suit.  Others have a neoprene formula that sticks to your skin to prevent water entry.

Above all, Ask Questions.....It's the best way to find out what you need to know!    (of course you already did that by posting your question on this forum!)
My name is Lisa and I'm a SCUBAholic. It's been toooo long since my last dive!
02-07-2007, 07:08 AM,
Re: Wetsuit for MN
I dive a 7mm semi-dry ;D.  This means I dive wet :Smile :Smile.  Most of the time I dive with a 1mm skin under my semidry.  I also use a hood and booties.  If I plan on spending most of my dive deep, or in Superior, or under the ice...I layer a 3/2 between the skin and the 7mm, I also wear a second hood, 2 pair of neoprene socks and double gloves ( looks and feels a bit like the Michellin Tire Man :o.  The nice piece with this set up is that I can wear the items independently.  The skin and or the 3/2 works great for the Carribean and above the thermocline in the summer.  The 7mm is good for general Minnesota diving. 

If you have the money a Drysuit is the option of choice for MOST avid local divers. 
02-07-2007, 10:02 AM,
Re: Wetsuit for MN
Damn!  How much weight do you have to wear for the Michelin Man system? :o
02-07-2007, 05:22 PM,
Re: Wetsuit for MN
I dive a 7mm wetsuit most of the time. I do have a CLX 450 that I start using in about October.

Greg Smile
We don`t quit playing because we grow old,,,,We grow old because we quit playing!!
02-07-2007, 10:50 PM,
Re: Wetsuit for MN
I wear a Henderson 7/5 this means 7mm in the body and 5mm in the arms, I went to this last summer to get away from my 7mm farmer john it was so restrictive and too many trips to the buffet weren't helping.  I loved the feel of the Henderson super stretch material in the store so I forked over the big cash, (haven't mentioned that to my wife yet).  The one thing that was a big shock once I got under the thermoclimb was the 5 mm sleeves in the stretchy material was dramatically colder and you could almost feel the water flowing over your body, but I got used to it and then switched back to my dry suite for the fall.

02-08-2007, 09:13 AM,
Re: Wetsuit for MN
In response to the question how much weight do I use.  It's really not too bad.  20 lbs for a standard dive and 28lbs for the Michellin Man dive.

When I dive the Skin and 7mm I use 20lbs.
This weight is distributed in my BCD between ditchable and non-ditchable weight pockets.  14 in my ditchable and six in my non-ditchable. 

When I layer the 3/2 and wear the extra socks hood and mitts I ALSO wear  a weight belt.  The weight belt has an additiional 8 lbs, for a total lead weight of 28lbs. 

I like having my lead spread out as it helps me with my trim AND gives me more options when/if I need to ditch weight.

The truth is layered up like this I REALLY do stay warm! 

In the winter or in cold weather when gearing up, I pre-heat the suits in a large cooler filled with HOT water.  In the summer or when it's hot outside, I'll get the suits wet in the lake before putting them on so I don't overheat before the dive. 
02-08-2007, 01:21 PM,
Re: Wetsuit for MN
Most of the time, I dive in MN w/ a Henderson 7mm Semi-dry (ie wet) suit.  It is very comfortable and easy to get on and off.  It is much more forgiving as far as care than my DUI drysuit.  I can't get more than 2 (cold) dives a day on it though....
02-08-2007, 05:08 PM,
Re: Wetsuit for MN
Kentucky Chrome! <LOL> That made me blow a snot bubble!

I used some self adhesive tire patches for a small hole in a wrist and its good as new but then I only have 8 or 10 dives on it.

Thanks for the chrome tip LKunze.
Ask your doctor if getting off your ass is right for you.

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