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Cylinder Inspection Certification Date Change
10-16-2003, 12:59 PM, (This post was last modified: 11-05-2003, 04:00 PM by tpscuba.)
Cylinder Inspection Certification Date Change
The date has been set if anyone wants to get certified as a Scuba & SCBA cylinder inspector. The class will be held at Tall Pine Scuba Shop on Jan.17, 2004 On Friday evening there will also be a class on the Visual Eddy Current, and certification. The cylinder class cost for 1st time people is $210.00 for recertification (due every 3 years) is $110.00
We will be supplying coffee, pop, donuts, and lunch.
Cost for the Visual Eddy Current hasn't been sent yet.
We have 10 spaces available deposit is $50.00 the rest due on the day of the class
Class starts at 7:30 AM and runs till about 5:30 PM
Class covers DOT standards, dive industry standards, the do's and don'ts Inspection protocall and much more.

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