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Gilbert Pit
03-13-2002, 08:30 AM,
Gilbert Pit
Has anyone done a dive at Gilbert Pit?  From what I've read it is an old Iron Ore Pit up near Virginia MN and it's supposed to have some neat structures and really clear water.  
03-13-2002, 09:14 AM,
Re: Gilbert Pit
I've never ben there but if I can see my fins in the water I'll give it a try ;D
MNLakeDiver (aka Jim)<br />The water is so cold I can see my breath !
03-13-2002, 09:43 AM,
Re: Gilbert Pit
I'll second that...<br>Hmmm, Gilbert Pit posted by GP, coincidence?<br><br>Some links:<br><br>
06-11-2002, 02:08 PM,
Re: Gilbert Pit
Rick here from Tall Pine Scuba in Virginia. Took students out last weekend for their check out dives vis was around 25 feet temp was 62 on the surface, 59 above the thermal which has set at 18 feet right now. I usually gets to about 30 feet by the end of summer. Check us out at or e-mail us at We would like to see you come up and enjoy. Will be getting info to Chris on the Gilbert Pit (Ore-Be-Gone), Lake Mine by Biwabik and Stubler by Buhl all within 10 miles of the dive shop.<br>
06-11-2002, 05:45 PM,
Re: Gilbert Pit
I like the maps on your website Rick.  Those look like interesting dive sites.  You should consider setting up a weekend group dive for people on the board.  
06-12-2002, 03:27 PM,
Re: Gilbert Pit
Rick,<br>Wow, look slike you have some great diving.  Love the area, didn't know you were up there.<br>Great page - will definitely plan a dive trip soon.<br>Jason had a great idea - get a group together from the cities to come up.<br>Will look at your site again, but are there dive entry sites with camping? <br>Thanks,<br>Dan
Dan L
08-04-2002, 07:28 PM,
Re:Gilbert Pit
Dove Gilbert Pit today (Sunday 8/4) with Smith Diving, about 10 divers attended, highly recommend it. It looks like a long haul from Mpls on the map, but it's not so bad. 2-1/2 hours to Duluth, more or less, and an hour beyond that.<br><br>There's a beach and boat launch, and between them is very nice grassy picnic area that slopes to the water and forms sort of a point, and anywhere on the grass is an excellent area to spread out/gear up/walk right in. Campground at top of the hill.<br><br>The sheer walls are very dramatic, also trees in the shallows. We also did the dive heading into the small inlet to the right of the beach for the first dive. The second dive was much better, heading left from the boat launch. Just hanging in the water and looking at the sheer wall in the 30-50ft range was great.
08-04-2002, 10:31 PM,
Re:Gilbert Pit
Nice report cliffkall. I agree. Gilbert Pit ranks up there with crosby and wazee. Did you find anything interesting around the dive platform?

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