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Northland Divers moved
04-24-2005, 06:11 PM,
Northland Divers moved
For everyone's info - Northland Divers moved to Woodbury at the end of March after 20+ years in Maplewood.  It's on I-94 just East of I494/694 near the Hom furniture store.  It's a nice, new place with the same owner and staff, like 'em or not.
05-04-2005, 01:33 PM,
Re: Northland Divers moved
Very nice on the interior.  High on friendly, low on pressure.  Great looking shop, but no pool...anyone know which one they use for classes?

I was looking for an excuse to eat at the Zantigo over there, and now I have one.
05-05-2005, 11:24 PM,
Re: Northland Divers moved
Pool time is at Macalaster or Oxford pool in St. Paul.

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