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Hi guys more good news!
10-07-2005, 02:34 PM,
Hi guys more good news!
I did 17 minutes under the water today, it was a blast!  I can’t wait for when I get up to 30 minutes or more, and I am also anxiously awaiting for when I can flip over onto my stomach in the pool under the water as well.  That’s going to be a ton of fun.  If all goes well I hope to do a dive at Wazee Lake next year at the DUI DOG Rally and Demo days.  That would be awesome, I can handle the cooler water, won’t be a problem.  That should be a great place to dive with lots of help.  I’ll pass on ice diving though.

I added some pictures to here from my dive today…..
I was hoping to add the videos but I am out of space on my web site!  We got some pretty good ones, I didn’t have air in my mask this time, it was a little foggy unfortunately.  I need to get my own rig.  I’m hooked on diving. 

Take care and hope to see you underwater soon!

So many of our dreams at first seem impossible, then they seem improbable, and then, when we summon the will, they soon become inevitable.<br />-Christopher Reeve-
10-08-2005, 08:18 AM,
Re: Hi guys more good news!
Hey Matt !!!
Looking good there DIVER !!!!

Man oh Man , have you come a long way !!!

And I'll keep on hoping you can do the Wazee thing next year at DOG days!
That would be just superb!!!

Hey , I know you can do it ... Just look how far you have come !!!

Take care BUDDY and keep it up ... I am a rooting for you !!!

Luraville , Florida
The Luraville Lemon (as I am now known to the Florida Conch's ... )

How's my diving? Call 1-800-EAT-FISH
10-09-2005, 02:30 PM,
Re: Hi guys more good news!
Thanks diver, nice to hear from you. Yes I've come a long way but still a lot to do but I'll get there.

I well be diving at Wazee Lake thing and I well love every min. I got it planed how to get into the lake. I know one thing I am getting a pea vavel before I get to the lake. LOL.

Take care dude Matt. 8)

So many of our dreams at first seem impossible, then they seem improbable, and then, when we summon the will, they soon become inevitable.<br />-Christopher Reeve-
10-10-2005, 09:15 AM,
Re: Hi guys more good news!
Hi all,

By the way I posted one video on the video page on my web site of my last dive. It might take a couple minutes to load depending on your internet connection. Here's the link to that page...

I'm gonna try to change the video from time to time, so that people can see them all.

Take care and safe diving,
So many of our dreams at first seem impossible, then they seem improbable, and then, when we summon the will, they soon become inevitable.<br />-Christopher Reeve-
10-13-2005, 03:41 PM, (This post was last modified: 10-13-2005, 04:33 PM by scuba diving Matt.)
My first Article published in Scuba News
I wanted to share my latest article with everyone here. I attached
a copy to this email, let me know what you think! A little bit of
it is outdated since I wrote it but it still turned out good. Scuba
News has been good to me as well.


Scuba News
Oct. 2005 vol 22 No. 10
Diving Dreams Becoming Reality

Matthew Johnston

Six months ago, Scuba News ran an article about my quest to dive.
For those of you that did not get the opportunity to read it, here
is a brief rundown. I am 28 years old, from Woodbury, MN. I have
always dreamed of scuba diving, and for the past year have been
working hard at making that dream come true. Diving is more of a
challenge for me because I have a tracheostomy, am dependent on a
ventilator to breathe 24/7, and am mostly confined to a wheelchair.
I have been living with Duchenne's Muscular Dystrophy my whole
life. To overcome these challenges, a new life support system needs
to be developed, or an existing system will need to be modified, for
me to spend longer times time under water.

I am writing this article as an update on my quest. Since that last
article my persistence is paying off in a big way. I have been in a
few different publications. I was interviewed on Scuba Radio. A
local newspaper, the Pioneer Press, ran an article on me after I got
in the water for the first time in 10 years to begin water therapy
sessions! Since that first water therapy session in June, with some
help from friends, family, sponsors, and some specially configured
gear, I took my first plunge underwater. Then on July 14, 2005, I
extended my underwater experiences to almost half a minute. I was on
my back looking up from under the water for the first time in
years. I was also then filmed on UPN news locally here, with Chris
Conangla on July 28th. On August 5th I was under water for 45
seconds, with one of my submergence sessions being vertical in the
water instead of on my back. I loved every second of it! Next time I
hope to be face down and go for a longer time.

I have several friends that are working on developing and testing
possible new life support systems that would enable me to stay
underwater longer, and eventually allow me to bring a self-contained
system with me underwater.

A huge part of the success of my dream so far has been from the
support of all the divers I have met along the way, both locally and
internationally, especially my local dive friends Drew Gerling,
Marcie Stone, Frank Fabio and my nurse Sara Freking. My friends and
family have helped me as well, along with the crew at DUI from the
fantastic work they did on my custom dry suit. They figured out a
way to make a special watertight connection for my ventilator to
hook up to my dry suit. Another important part of my dream's
continuing success has been the help of Mike Lombardi. He's the
Director of a not for profit organization called Project Innerspace
which is sponsoring my dream, and he is also assisting with project

I wanted to extend a big THANK YOU for all the continued support, I
wouldn't have gotten this far without your help.

Every time I get into the pool, I feel happier. I feel like one with
the water! It's an amazing feeling finally being weightless. I can
see where you divers have the urge to submerge. I just can't get
enough of it. To move forward with my project, funding is one of
the main concerns, to make the special equipment, get formal
training through one of the many excellent handicapped scuba groups,
and to help with travel for me and my dive team and caregivers to
finally go diving in the ocean. I am hoping to dive in the Florida
Keys by next Spring or early Summer. I still have not decided where
in the Florida Keys to dive.

For those of you that would like to learn more about my project or
become a sponsor here are my web sites. and

For those of you that have obstacles to overcome in your life I want
to say this… If you have a dream, don't give up on it. If you want
something bad enough, it will happen if you are persistent! Life is
short so try to enjoy it.

So many of our dreams at first seem impossible, then they seem improbable, and then, when we summon the will, they soon become inevitable.<br />-Christopher Reeve-

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