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more questions about Fiji (and dive operations in general)
05-02-2006, 10:35 AM,
more questions about Fiji (and dive operations in general)
Hi again all,

I was wondering what people do to explain to dive operations that they are responsible divers and only wish to dive with people like them, and would like to spend as much time on the bottom as possible. My fiance and I will be diving in fiji in june, and I am concerned that we will be put on dive boats with inattentive people who are vacationing first and diving second, like we were in Cozumel, Belize, St. Thomas, and Gran Cayman. There's nothing worse than having a diver ruin everyone's dive by going 40 feet deeper than the dive plan, so that the DM has to modify the dive and we end up in 20 feet of water looking at sand instead of 60 feet looking at the reef.

We both dive with computers, and set max depth alarms according to the dive plan. We are AOW certified, Check our guages very regularly, and are very good about air consumption. I've generally found that dives are ended by the DM after 45 minutes even though we both end with 1700+ psi left.

So...what can I do to help ensure I get the most out of my diving money? I don't want to be an A-hole about it, but I would like to be allowed to spend more time diving as long as my air consumption and dive tables allow it. Also, I understand if a dive needs to be called for whatever reason, but if the diver in question is not my buddy, why do I need to call my dive? Can't the DM surface with him, or have his buddy sirface with him, so that others can continue the dive they've spent 1,000's on? Am I being selfish or do others feel this way?

05-02-2006, 11:15 AM,
Re: more questions about Fiji (and dive operations in general)
No, I don't think its selfish at all.  I have the same concerns.  I'm going to Cozumel next week.  Like you both myself and my wife hold AOW and dive with computers.  Because of the drift dive procedures in Cozumel the whole group has to stay with the DM and surface at the same time.  I'm going to discuss my concerns with the operator when we get there and see how it goes after the first days diving.  If I don't feel like I'm getting the depth or bottom time I should I'm going to ask to go with a more advanced group.  The operator I'm diving with is large and has many boats so that should be a request the can accomodate.
05-02-2006, 12:35 PM,
Re: more questions about Fiji (and dive operations in general)
That's an interesting point - I've always chosen to dive with a small operator because I thought I would get more "personalized" service, but going with a larger operator gives you the advantage of having different boats arrainged according to skill level. I'm not sure how many boats the dive operator in Fiji uses - in fact I'm not even sure who the dive operator is since the website () is terrible as far as info on diving is concerned.

Have fun in Cozumel! be sure to eat at Ernesto's Fajitas Factory (get the fajitas!) - they are no longer located downtown because of the new cruise ship pier that was built (prices too high for rent, I think there's a jewelry store there now) but they still have the best fajitas in the world!!! - we usually order a ton to go on our last day there, then when we get to the airport we get to eat fajitas while other people wait in line 30 minutes for a hotdog!
05-02-2006, 09:40 PM,
Re: more questions about Fiji (and dive operations in general)
You just aren't going to have that much freedom when you are on a day boat -- whether it's a 6-pack or a cattle boat.  Oftentimes they need to cater to the lowest common denominator.  If your drift diving that means everyone has to ascend together. Maybe the captain needs to maintain a certain schedule and that means he can't accomodate your 75 minute dive.  I do recommend the smaller boats since there are less people to potentially screw up your dive plan.

Liveaboards or shore dive locations like Bonaire give you the best opportunities to dive your own plan.

One of my longest dives ever was with a DM in Playa Del Carmen.  I was the only person that showed up for the afternoon boat ride that day.  So we went out and spent almost three hours in the water.  He got a nice tip.  Wink 
05-03-2006, 11:30 AM,
Re: more questions about Fiji (and dive operations in general)
Ya I know that.  I just mean that with 13 boats and (so they say) if they have more than 12 divers on a boat they split into two groups, that we could get on a boat or in a group with more experienced divers if we ask for that.  I have no illusions about planning my own dives. 

wtdrm - I'm unclear as to what question you are refering.
05-03-2006, 11:47 AM,
Re: more questions about Fiji (and dive operations in general)
That's interesting. When we dove in Cozumel in March, the DM simply said that dive buddy teams could surface w/o interfering with the rest of the group. We went on about 10 dives, and that was the case each time.

I one diver burned through his air, he and his buddy would surface, and the rest of the group continued on.

I guess it depends on the operator.
That which does not kill you, makes you stronger.<br />Blood makes the grass grow, kill, kill, kill!
05-03-2006, 02:12 PM,
Re: more questions about Fiji (and dive operations in general)
I wouldn't see how it would be a big deal on a drift dive - especially if the DM is towing a SMB. The captain can follow the SMB at a safe distance and pick up pairs of divers as they go. Also, since they dive the same places day after day, they should be able to judge the current and where people are going to surface. However, this has not been my experience, and as I said, DMs seem to want to keep us so close that when one person blows a profile then everyone gets punished.

The place in Fiji at least allows unlimited shore dives with any dive package, so I'll try to get in as many of those as I can, but I may need to find a dive buddy because my fiance doesn't like to do 3 and 4 dives a day.
05-03-2006, 03:12 PM,
Re: more questions about Fiji (and dive operations in general)
Luckily Fiji didn't get wiped out by a tsunami today.  I thought of this thread as soon as I heard that report on the radio today.
05-03-2006, 08:47 PM,
Re: more questions about Fiji (and dive operations in general)
Hi all.  Nice responses to this thread.  My suggestion is to communicate to Beqa before you go that this is a concern of yours.  They run their own dive operation at Beqa lagoon and are flexible enough to accomodate most levels of diver on a single boat (generally 2 divemasters/dive).  I would suggest you ask for Missy &/or Tusi as Divemasters.  They have always been very professional and willing to work with our groups to ensure adequate dive times.  When we book a group trip we specifically use this aspect as one of the factors when selecting resorts/operators.  We notify them that we will have divers who will expect 1 hour dives every time out and if they can't accomodate that then we keep looking.  Remember you are paying for the dives so you should not have to dive to the lowest common denomenator.  Also generous tipping can have amazing results.  Please greet All of the gang at Beqa for us, they are truly fabulous people. One more note, ask Missy & Tusi to sing for you on the boat trips, they are very entertaining. 

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