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shark attack..
06-28-2006, 01:22 AM, (This post was last modified: 06-28-2006, 01:38 AM by MAXFACTOR.)
shark attack..
Just heard on CNN  that another pack of sharks were at Hutchinson Island,   in FL    Apparently a  7 year old girl was attacked while riding a buggie board in shallow water. 

So  the   town is looking for sharks.   Don't they know that they are all over down there.  I dive just south of that location, and surfers and swimmers need to know that just below the surface  they're are sharks. 

Sorry the girl got attacked.  I know How I would feel if my 7 year old got bit.  Prognosis is excellent.  Stitches and time to heal. 

As a guy who has been video taped doing a full mask removal and regulator removal in front of approximately 22 sharks, while blowing bubbles, just feet away from the animals,  I have no fear of sharks, but ......I do have a problem and a great fear with the known evolutionary habits of such predators........., I would not let my kids swim there with buddie boards without me being right by them.  :-\ :-X

COME ON PEOPLE (parents).....      FIGURE IT OUT....   watch TV,  see what nature does and has for a million years....  dah...  ???

Put yourself in the place of the shark.....the kids look like seals,   AKA   pasta to humans..... afterall  ......wouldn't you want some of that action.

Maybe with a nice bottle of 98 ...divers  chianti... 


ps..  I'll say a little prayer for the girl, but more importantly pray  that parents would pay attention to they're children when they are swimming in Florida waters.

When my family and I vacation in FL...which we do pretty regulary.. I am always right by my kids when they are in the water.  Thats the rule,  it should be enforced by all.

06-28-2006, 01:44 AM,
Re: shark attack..
AND ONE MORE THING..... when the little bait fish are jumping,  they're not doing it for your entertainment.  They're jumping out of the water, in fear for they're  little gill's,      because they are being chased by preditors.  AKA  SHARKS or bigger FISH...... its time to get out of the water.  Apparently the little critters had been jumping all day.

AGAIN....... DAH.....

06-28-2006, 09:16 AM,
Re: shark attack..

And how to you plan to stop the shark attack?  Club it with your bottle of chianti?  ;D

When I worked in Wilmington, NC, the helicopter pilots used to say they could see shark-shadows just out of reach of the surfers...
'C'mon, c'mon! What're you waiting for? Daddy needs his medicine...' ~ Capt. Murphy
06-29-2006, 09:13 PM, (This post was last modified: 06-29-2006, 10:00 PM by MAXFACTOR.)
Re: shark attack..
Hi Mark,

Yea.    in the waters I dive down there,  the water is quite aqua.  Melbourne beach,  all the way down to the key's.

From a plane and a helicopter, you can even see small fish, let alone the bigger ones.   

Most of the time, there is enough fish in the water to give you tell tail signs when your standing in the hip deep water, to get out. 

Additionally, as the ocean shore line has many seagulls, you can often watch the birds getting out of the way as a shark approaches.  As I said the area down there at Hutchinson Island, where the most recent shark attack took place, Melbourne and all the way down to the keys have tons of prehistoric type seagulls and they work  the water like you won't believe.  They see the little fish,  they start diving frantically,  up comes the shark, up goes the seagull.  Out goes JOE AND HIS KIDS...  Its a beautiful cycle. 

Most people don't recoginze them though, as they are not 100 percent conscious of they're surroundings. 

Yes.... I would beat and fight the shark if I had no choice and I had a full bottle of Cabernet.   It is a proven fact that they will withdraw if you hit them and hit them often.  I however, would be the one to get bit if I was in the water with my children and my child would get out.  Thats what responsible parents would do. 
that was my entire point on the post.

On the other hand,  if I had a full bottle of cabernet in the water with my kids,  I'd probably have a drinking problem. :o

When you get a chance give me acall\

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