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Free fun dive Wed. June 18th
06-16-2003, 04:53 PM,
Free fun dive Wed. June 18th
It's time for Wed night fun dives again. I had an idea for this week if people would like to participate. Since lines change and things get moved every season out at square, I thought it would be nice to make a detailed lake map to post here on the board. I would need volunteers to take compass readings, depth readings, and line measurements, and most importantly cartography. The more people willing to help with this project, the better. Maybe we can do this for more sites if this goes well. What do you guys think? As usual we will have free BBQ and onsite airfills. Due to overwhelming fill demand I will have to start charging for onsite fills. I thought $5 would be reasonable, or if you have a fill card we can use that. I will start bringing the portable compressor, so we no longer run out of air. Dives usualy begin between 6 and 7pm. Anyone is welcome, and hope to see everyone there.

Happy Diving,
Scuba Dive and Travel<br />4423 Nicollet Ave. So.<br />Minneapolis, MN 55419<br />612-823-7210<br /><br />
06-16-2003, 10:23 PM,
Re:Free fun dive Wed. June 18th
I'm game. I also, have over 2 cases of beer I will bring to wash down the brats. ;D

06-17-2003, 08:11 AM,
Re:Free fun dive Wed. June 18th
The mapping sounds fun!!! Good practice at multiple skills at least...Hey , if Dano game , I'm game!!! And if Chrisw is game , for sure , for sure.

Jean Smile
How's my diving? Call 1-800-EAT-FISH
06-17-2003, 08:13 AM,
Re:Free fun dive Wed. June 18th
sounds cool. i'll help. or at least try not to hinder ;D
06-17-2003, 11:51 AM,
Re:Free fun dive Wed. June 18th
I'm game as well.. Haven't been wet in a year so I'll try not to get too much in the way.
PADI - AOW, DPV, Dry Suit, Wreck, TDI Nitrox
65 Dives and growing.
Deepest Dive - 132' Lighthouse, Bonaire
Deepest Wreck - 130' Hilma Hooker, Bonaire
06-17-2003, 09:26 PM,
Re:Free fun dive Wed. June 18th
Can't be there this week - I'm in Boston at the moment - but next week is open and I'm trying to keep it that way. I've got a suit now, and a regulator setup, so i'm getting there. Looking forward to meeting everyone. Is this mapping project going to be a multi-week thing? Sounds like a lot to get done in one evening...

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