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Moving to MN
09-04-2004, 11:15 AM,
Moving to MN
So, this is where the Minnesota divers hang out. I was beginning to fear that they would be few and far between. But that would not make much sense when you have 10,000 dive site to choose from. And several dive shops too.

I am a PSD/FF/EMT currently located in WV. It seems we may be relocated the the Great White North soon. The weather is not something I'm too concerned about, as we are originally from Michigan, and love snow. But I have a feeling I should probably sell my VW Bug before we move, it won't do me much good there in January. :-\

The diving is my main concern (and greatest love! don't tell my husband that). I absolutely HATE dry suits. After my drysuit class was over, I vowed to NEVER put one of those darn things on again.

We will be in the east side of the state about half way up. Does anybody know of any dive clubs in this area? I started one down here, and have met some pretty cool people.

Does anyone dive the lakes in that area? Where is good to go? A heads-up on what to expect would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks so much, Amy
09-04-2004, 12:26 PM,
Re:Moving to MN
Welcome to MN.
I feel some of the best diving in MN is in Crosby. there are severel old mine pits with good viz and intresting dive sites.
Of course there is Lake Superior with all its wrecks.
I also dive in a wet suit (not that there is anything wrong with dry suits I'm just cheap.)
fell free to pm or email me and we can set up a trip to the pits. I try to go every other weekend when my wife doesent have somthing els planed. Big Grin
MNLakeDiver (aka Jim)<br />The water is so cold I can see my breath !
09-04-2004, 01:05 PM,
Re:Moving to MN
If you love, you have to give. In this case, you may have to give up your vow never to dive dry - there is so much great diving here (Lake Superior wrecks, Lake Wazee, the Crosby pits, OreBeGone, etc) that is best done dry.
Many here would never again dive wet after experiencing the warmth and convenience of a drysuit. Give it another chance after you get up here - maybe it won't be as bad as you remember.
Good luck with the move.
Dan L
09-04-2004, 03:41 PM,
Re:Moving to MN
Amy, we have a very healthy dive scene here -- almost 600 divers registered on this forum alone. We have more dive shops in Minnesota than most states.

I agree with MNLakeDiver. You should be relatively close to Crosby and Lake Superior. You can't go wrong either way. Plus you can find great diving next door in Wisconsin --

I highly recommend the dry suit. But you can dive wet comfortably if you stay shallow and dive during Summer to early Fall. Everyone has to dive superior in a wetsuit at least once. Wink
09-04-2004, 10:24 PM, (This post was last modified: 09-04-2004, 10:24 PM by amyinwv.)
Moving to MN
Well, I really appreciate all the support and info. I'm actually looking forward to seeing what the land of 10,000 lakes has to offer. I have pulled out my mickey mouse boots and dusted off my ice cleets and put my bug up for sale.

A bit more discouraging as far as the PSD aspect. I spoke with someone today that was formerly involved with the PSD team in that area. They no longer have a dive team and have turned it over to the sheriff completely due to lack of funding and the refusal to even cover them if they did it voluntarily. How typically political, anyone whom has been involved in a fire dept. knows what I'm talking about.

As far as diving dry, I just don't know. I felt like I'm having carotid sinus reflex throughout the whole dive! My buoyancy was all over the place. I couldn't seem to work the shoulder vent properly. And I realized that I have the habit of swimming with my feet above my head (I think that came from habitial avoidance to stir up the bottom). But I guess I can give it a try again if it means I get to see all those prestine wrecks.

By the way, has anyone tried a "Polar Bear Club" dip?? :o That is one of those items that's on my "list of things to do before I die" (not that I plan to kick it anytime soon) and figured Minnesota probably has something of that nature.

Thanks, Amy
09-04-2004, 10:46 PM,
Re:Moving to MN
Everything negative you described about a drysuit can easily be rectified by proper fit, maybe some ankle weights and practice. At your level of experience, I'm sure you'll have a drysuit mastered after very few dives.
As for PSD, it's a locally variable thing. In the Brainerd area, for instance,they need more PSD divers. They have a hard time getting enough people together for their practice dives. They have great equipment,too - a result of 9/11 funding. In the Twin Cities, I've ice dived with the Scott Co sheriff dept. and I think they only have law enforcement officers on their team. The city of Bloomington has an all volunteer FD, and they have a dive team with excellent equipment. One way or another, I'm sure you could ID a local PSD opportunity because they come in so many flavors.
Dan L
09-05-2004, 10:14 PM,
Re:Moving to MN
" By the way, has anyone tried a "Polar Bear Club" dip?? That is one of those items that's on my "list of things to do before I die" (not that I plan to kick it anytime soon) and figured Minnesota probably has something of that nature."

I did it once but I was in the Caymans at the time. ;D


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