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KISS Opinions
04-08-2006, 08:23 PM,
Re: KISS Opinions
John L    I am also new to rebreathers, as I have only had a  pool dive with the Kiss, Inspiration, Meg and others. 

My suggestion to you is to contact GUDC, which I believe have more rebreather divers then any other shop in the Midwest.  Ask them when they are having another  Discover Rebreather Course.  Take the course, find out for yourself in one day.  You'll ge to break down  at least 5 different rebreathers and try them.  The course fee is low and definetly worth it. 

Also, I believe.. if you are getting into a price study,  Ghosh's unit would then be considered your best bet.  I have not seen the unit, but I do know that Ghosh is an excellent diver and I've seen some of his other equiptment.  I am sure it is in excellent condition, and you may as well get trained by the best two technical instructors (Ron Benson and Chuck Northrup)  in the world.  ( 

NO  I  DO NOT WORK FOR THE SHOP.  But when I was chatting with a diver (a total stranger) in the shop one day, he told me that the shop he works with  recommended that he get his training at Going Under have to ask yourself  HUUUUMMMMMMMMM .      Then you find out that these guys are driving up from Chicago and other states, because they're own shop recommended Going Under.    I think that says it all.  Doesn't it?           

Good Luck,
04-11-2006, 10:50 AM,
Re: KISS Opinions
A guy on RBW recently asked opinions about the KISS rebreathers, was it a CCR or a posh SCR...

I gave a very simple non techincal answere, essentially;

A month ago I brough 15 rebreather divers down to Truk Lagoon to dive the WWII shipwrecks with a focus on the deeper wrecks.  There were 7 Megalodons, 5 KISS Classics, 1 KISS Sport and 2 inspirations.  Each day the divers enjoyed kick butt dives in the 200 foot range, with a second kick butt dive in the 100 - 150 foot range (each profile was 60 min plus hang time).  The group was from all over the country / world, including some very experienced tech divers.  One of the days, part of the group did a 330+ foot wall dive....See RBW for a Truk Lagoon trip article.

The bottom line is All of the divers had a great experience, no rebreather failed to perform to meet the objectives, each of the divers on the trip is happy with how easy it was to dive their unit.

Point is that all of these units work well, and are easy to operate.  I personally have some favorites, and think that some may work better under different conditions than others, but they all do work well.

In addition I have an evolution that will be delivered in a week or so and will be able to give it a fair trial...Every rebreather I can teach I personally own and dive so I can speak fluently about how and why.

Next week, I'll be in Seattle teaching a Meg course, then I start a local Meg class, then a KISS class locally, then a KISS class in Grand Cayman...there is plenty of opportunity to join the fun!


Start with training, continue with adventures.
04-16-2006, 10:40 AM,
Re: KISS Opinions
You guys are crazy!!
04-19-2006, 02:23 PM,
Re: KISS Opinions
corndog,    why do you think we're crazy?    three or four of the answers or comments on the board were from some of the best divers in MN.  myself excluded of course.

04-19-2006, 02:38 PM,
Re: KISS Opinions
You only think we're crazy because you still diving OC.  Come on over and try the CCR.  You'll love the cool long dives. 
Go Big, or go home!
04-19-2006, 04:43 PM,
Re: KISS Opinions
Hi Ron,  ;D Al
04-19-2006, 08:02 PM,
Re: KISS Opinions
Corndog and ScubaAl
If you come over to the darkside you won't go back.
Longer dives
Warmer dives
Less backaches
Don't have to do the deepest dive on the first day
04-20-2006, 10:14 AM,
Re: KISS Opinions
I wold love to go to the darkside I just cant afford al the extras.
after the rebreather I still need new comp. training, new home when wife finds out I bought rebreather...
MNLakeDiver (aka Jim)<br />The water is so cold I can see my breath !
04-20-2006, 04:01 PM,
Re: KISS Opinions
Hey Bob,

    Would be nice to join the club, just got that darn cash flow problem. Maybe one of these day's.
    Wonder what its going to cost filling the boat at Knife River this season?
05-18-2006, 07:26 PM,
Re: KISS Opinions
Diving in general is the only sport I have ever had to hide the expenses from my wife.  It is a little embarrassing at times.    She always wants to match my dive unit spending with other crap like,  ah.... crap.

She's really just jealous because she doesn't dive and hates that I have the time of my life  and enjoy it with passion. 

Oh, well,        just have to get rid of the reciepts faster then I have.  Wait till she finds out, I'm thinking about the megladon. 
I may as well just pack up now  and get it over with.

How many of you other guys and gals have the same problem.


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