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Something funny my regulator did last weekend
10-17-2006, 09:40 PM,
Something funny my regulator did last weekend
I got my Advanced Open Water certification at Wazee Lake last weekend.  (I also had a rather chilly night of camping, but that's another topic.)  I was using equipment rented from a local dive shop, since I don't have my own stuff yet.

I had a small problem with my regulator, though.  About 10 or 15 minutes into the night dive, I started hearing something freeflowing behind my head.  I wasn't sure what was going on, so I surfaced and tried to figure out what was going on.  My instructor and dive buddy came up after a bit, and I returned to shore to take a look at the problem.  It looked like the O-ring at the tank had blown out of position, or something like that.  I couldn't figure out if I did something wrong, like overtightening the tank valve, but I would have expected that to fail right away.  I continued the dive with another tank, and that worked okay.

The next morning, I did the deep dive, going down to 67 feet.  On the way back up, my instructor had me breathe from the tank hanging at 15 feet.  I thought it was a training thing, but when we got back to my surface, he told me that my first stage had been freeflowing again.  We got back onto shore and checked it out, and the O-ring looked like it had been cut just slightly.  We checked the regulator with a different tank and O-ring, and after yanking the valve around a bit, that O-ring blew out as well.  So, for the final dive, we swapped my hoses and gauges onto a spare regulator, and that worked just fine.

We checked the first stage and it looked like there may have been imperfections or some kind of small, sharp edges on the metal face where it mates to the O-ring.  I'm not sure how that happened -- I hope I wasn't tightening the regulator on too hard.  When I returned the equipment, the guy at the shop checked the regulator on the workbench and didn't have the same problem there.

Does this story sound like I was doing something wrong, or is it possible for a regulator to slash three O-rings in a row?  I'm at a loss to explain what happened.  At least I was able to finish my five dives needed for the Advanced Open Water certification, and I think my diving improved in the process -- I'm starting to get more experienced with buoyancy, which helps.
10-18-2006, 06:33 AM,
Re: Something funny my regulator did last weekend
Hey Todd,

I am just curious,
How is it that you posted on Oct 2 that you just got certified for the very first time, and here it is 15 days later and you are now AOW certified? How did you get your 5 speciality's in PLUS 25 dives... in just 360 hours?

who was the instructor?

good luck.

and why did you surface ALONE? if you were having equipment malfunctions???

10-18-2006, 07:13 AM,
Re: Something funny my regulator did last weekend
Hey Todd,

I am just curious,
How is it that you posted on Oct 2 that you just got certified for the very first time, and here it is 15 days later and you are now AOW certified? How did you get your 5 speciality's in PLUS 50 dives... in just 360 hours?

Tell your instructor you need to add a zero after the five that you have just completed...

good luck.

maybe you should take up this issue with an agency or an instructor rather that try to take the wind out of the sails of a new strikes me as odd that the only thing that you chose to post had nothing to do with the question that was asked...rather you chosed to find a way to insult someone...poor form. Sad

to answer your is doubtful that you did anything happens..rental equipment sees alot of divers..most of which are new to takes a beating..and occasionally does not see the detailed attention  that it maybe should.  you are best advised to try to get your own as soon as you can..i personally think that a regulator should be your first priority.  make sure that you only tighten you reg to the tank to make the seal..this does not take alot torque...and you should never tighten it hard you should comfortable be able to do it with just your finger as opposed to your palm....hopefully this makes sense..
Oops Did I really say that?????
10-18-2006, 08:32 AM,
Re: Something funny my regulator did last weekend
I apologies..i didnt mean to beat you up.....its just that we see too much of the attack the diver stuff...when it really is the agency  that needs to address the issues....please dont take too much offense......its just a sore spot for me.
Oops Did I really say that?????
10-18-2006, 08:47 AM,
Re: Something funny my regulator did last weekend
?? 50 logged dives and 5 specialty courses are for the Master Diver rating through PADI.
10-18-2006, 09:27 AM,
Re: Something funny my regulator did last weekend
"Move up and experience real adventure with the PADI Advanced Open Water Diver course. As you step beyond the PADI Open Water Diver level, you make five dives and have the opportunity to try some of diving’s most rewarding and useful specialty activities, such as deep diving, digital underwater photography, wreck diving and much more. These skills make diving much more than underwater sightseeing. Plus, the Advanced Open Water Diver course takes you one step closer to Master Scuba Diver – the ultimate non professional certification in recreational diving."

"Must be a PADI Open Water Diver (or qualifying certification from another training organization) and 15 years old (12 for Junior Advanced Open Water Diver)"

"With your PADI Instructor you complete the deep and underwater navigation Adventure Dives. These dives boost your confidence as you build these foundational skills. Then, you choose three additional dives from more than 15 Adventure Dives to complete your course."

Clipped from the PADI website (assuming Elkman is a PADI diver).


First off, congratulations Elkman for finishing the Advanced Diving course.  Use that as a spring board to become an 'experienced' diver.  After each dive, I like to ask myself 'what did I learn?'.

Anyway, unless you really cranked down on the first stage, you didn't do anything wrong.  It was the regulator.  I agree with what Capt. Dean said about having your own regulator... if you plan to continue to dive, make it a priority.

Other than the first stage problem, how did your did night dive go?  My first night dive, which also happened to be for my AOW cert. & @ Wazee, was totally FUBAR.

Safe diving!  Smile
'C'mon, c'mon! What're you waiting for? Daddy needs his medicine...' ~ Capt. Murphy
10-18-2006, 09:37 AM,
Re: Something funny my regulator did last weekend
You're correct, the Master Scuba Diver requires 5 specialties; AOW, EFR, and Rescue plus 50 logged dives. 
Congrats on your AOW!  I was there, and you did great. 

From what I heard and saw, you handled yourself correctly and did a good job working through the situation.  If nothing else, it's a great training opportunity. 

10-18-2006, 10:26 AM,
Re: Something funny my regulator did last weekend
To answer a couple questions (the second question first):

I surfaced alone because I couldn't immediately get the attention of my buddy and instructor.  I probably should have tried harder to get their attention, but I didn't want to run totally out of air underwater and have to share off my buddy's regulator.  My instructor didn't yell at me afterward for surfacing alone, anyway.  If I did something wrong there, I would hope that he would have corrected me on the spot.

As far as the Advanced Open Water certification goes, this is through PADI, which .  Basically, the requirement is to do five of the Adventure Dives (including the underwater navigation dive and the deep dive, plus three others).  It doesn't mean I need to go through five specialty courses.

I realize, of course, that I'm only as experienced as my logbook says.  I have 10 logged dives -- the four for my OW certification, one with a member of this board, and the five for my AOW certification.  (Besides, says that you aren't an advanced anything after doing it only 8 times - or 10 in my case.)  I'll admit that I still have a lot to learn, and that being a good diver only comes through experience and more training.  (On the flip side, if I'm not good at something, why should I continue to do it?)

(Also, since the rumor mill is still going: My fifth dive with a member of this board, along with an unlogged snorkeling swim on 2006-08-12 and the BW3 get-together on 2006-10-12, are the only in-person contact I've had with this person.)
10-18-2006, 11:37 AM,
Re: Something funny my regulator did last weekend

First of all and clearly our AOW certification requirements
are different from yours so alas...
I am switching to PADI!  Smile

I am sensitive to ANY diver coming up alone with an equipment malfunction
(and quickly losing air to boot)
simply because on this board
(while the shit can fly daily here) we care about each other no matter what.
Many of these divers do not need to see another loss in their lifetime.
Myself included. 

remember what I said to you  a day and a half ago?
These guys are an elite and a special group.
No matter what... they'll watch your backside.

(while chewing on each other...mine included)
I meant it when I said you'll learn lot from them.

As for the "rumors"
what ever it is or whomever it is...
just let it go.
Keep snorkeling.
Keep diving.
and Keep your head above water
....but only once in a while...

Life is just too damn short
10-18-2006, 12:41 PM,
Re: Something funny my regulator did last weekend
Pepper, go to both PADI and SDI websites and you will see the difference between the advanced diver program for both. When I 1st started diving I was also PADI and most of my certs are PADI. When SDI came along theyused a rating similar to SSI, that required an amount of dives to become an advanced diver. However now SDI also has a program similar to PADI, and their advanced diver rating. That is the key word. With SDI the advance diver has a rating as does PADI. The program that Elkman did was and Advanced Adventure program. and I think PADI modified ther program a bit to have a rating similar to SDI. I wish CN3 were around. He can really explain it better than I.

Congrats Elkman on the weekend.
It sounds like you handled everything correctly.

I have alot of dives and dont consider my self advanced. Complacency kills.
We know that.

And I agree with captain dean. Reg. set  is 1st on the list.

As far as your Reg question, It may have been the valve on the tanks also.
Thats why it worked fine on the bench at the store.


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