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Edmund Fitzgerald Anniversary
11-10-2006, 12:35 PM,
Edmund Fitzgerald Anniversary
Today is the anniversary of the sinking of the Edmund Fitzgerald.  I heard it on the radio.  I think they said it went down in 1971. My friends and I are running a trip out there to dive her next summer.  PM me if you are interested in joining us.  This will strictly be a "tech" dive.  You must have at least advance open water cert to participate.  Safe Diving All ,  Cheerio  Wink
11-10-2006, 12:42 PM,
Re: Edmund Fitzgerald Anniversary
>Big Grin
11-10-2006, 02:22 PM,
Re: Edmund Fitzgerald Anniversary
I have done a couple of dives below 30 feet, will that make me eligible? ;D
11-10-2006, 03:34 PM,
Re: Edmund Fitzgerald Anniversary
I think the Edmund Fitzgerald is about 500 ft below the surface.

We don`t quit playing because we grow old,,,,We grow old because we quit playing!!
11-10-2006, 03:46 PM,
Re: Edmund Fitzgerald Anniversary
Here is a link with the story of the only two publicly confirmed divers to do an open circuit trimix dive to the Fitz back in 1995.  The Fitz is now illegal to dive. 

11-10-2006, 04:01 PM,
Re: Edmund Fitzgerald Anniversary
Here is a link to a multimedia presentation on the Fitzgerald from the Startribune.
11-10-2006, 04:22 PM,
Re: Edmund Fitzgerald Anniversary
Back in about 1998 or 1999 (can't remember). I was at Ginnie Springs doing my cave training. As we were doing our predive check it was found my  inflater hose was leaking right where it attaches to my wings. Terrence was just exiting from the cave and over heard our conversation. Seeing we were not having any luck with the leak, he has one of his students remove there wings for me to us. Tells us to enjoy the dive and he would see what he could do about the leak.
When we return he comes over with my wing, and hands them back. Pointing to the elbow, he saves "you have a piece of history, this came from the wings I used to dive the Fitz". 
Now I'm guessing that elbow is about as close to the Fitz as I will be getting.
11-10-2006, 07:56 PM,
Re: Edmund Fitzgerald Anniversary
That sounds like a dive of a lifetime.  I would say count me it.  However, even though I am a training dive master, and meet the minimun requirements for your dive, I do not think I'm ready.  But, you guys keep me in mind in the years to come.  I hope to touch it as soon as I feel complitely confident in myself, and have all the proper training.  I'm 16 now, and would hope to reach the Edmond in my early 20's if I can. 

Thanks, and remember to post your dive, I would be incredibly interested to see how it goes.

Josh at GUDC   
11-10-2006, 08:57 PM,
Re: Edmund Fitzgerald Anniversary
josh b.
I think Corndogg is pulling a late Halloween joke.
The Edmond Fitzgerald lays in 530 ft of water. The high point on the wreck is the pilot house and that is still about 480 or 490 ft.
As Lonnie said it is against the law to dive it, and you can be fined up to 1 million dollars if you do.
11-10-2006, 09:43 PM,
Re: Edmund Fitzgerald Anniversary
That is one sick joke.  I really want to dive it to.  But, I do understand why it would be illigel.  Hopefully someday then it'll be diveable.  500 + feet is a little deep for me now to say the least.  Would be nice to see it though...

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