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snorkel (what is it good for?)
12-02-2002, 08:16 AM, (This post was last modified: 12-02-2002, 08:17 AM by ChrisW.)
snorkel (what is it good for?)
I am new to diving (5 dives) so I am sure I don't have
the whole picture but...
what is with having to have the DANG snorkel on every dive?

The stupid thing floats around near my head obscuring what
little peripheral vision I have on the left...

I keep grabbing it to inflate/deflate my BC...

If I have to swim to shore or boat I was taught to swim
on my back to conserve energy so I cant use the snorkel

what good is this stupid thing???

12-02-2002, 08:42 AM,
Re:snorkel (what is it good for?)
Exactly...I hate snorkels as well. IMO they are an entanglement hazzard and are unnecessary for scuba dives. Some may argue that they are good for long surface swims but I'd rather swim on my back on the surface than face down with a snorkel anyway. Wink
12-02-2002, 10:19 AM,
Re:snorkel (what is it good for?)
You're only required to use a snorkel during class... if you're not in class you're not 'required' to use one. Some people swear by them, others swear at them... Personal preference, and I'm with you guys... if I don't have to use one I don't.
12-02-2002, 11:09 AM,
Re:snorkel (what is it good for?)
The only thing I do like about them is that if you are in the water waiting for the rest of the group, a snorkel
makes it handy to take a peek or two without burning up air.
Other than that, I agree with everyone else...They get tangled up...etc..etc..etc
I have tried to use my snorkel swimming on my back...It kinda works (Sometimes!!!)

Thanks...Jean ;D
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12-02-2002, 05:13 PM,
Re:snorkel (what is it good for?)
Shoot... I almost hate to admit I own a half dozen or so :-\

Cold and dark down there huh?
12-03-2002, 09:03 AM,
Re:snorkel (what is it good for?)
Its OK Fred,

I think freedivers have a special dispensation for
liking snorkels

>Shoot... I almost hate to admit I own a half dozen or so
12-03-2002, 11:05 AM,
Re:snorkel (what is it good for?)
I kind of enjoy the suface swim more if I can be face down looking at whatever sights there may be (If not in too deep of water and the vis is good). I have rarely even noticed it is there.
12-05-2002, 07:36 AM,
Re:snorkel (what is it good for?)
being a new diver i am probably just easily
distracted by the snorkel.

another thing i dont like is the weedage
that builds up on the goofy thing.

btw, they ask that you do NOT wear a snorkel
on the Mall of America aquarium dives. (yahoo!)
01-19-2003, 08:55 AM,
Re:snorkel (what is it good for?)
I would seriously consider losing the snorkel on your dives. It is an entanglement hazard, an annoyance, and serve no real purpose, especially locally. If you really feel like you want to carry one than go out and get one of those collapsible kinds and carry it in a pocket or something. A number of companies make different models like this. FWIW, hardly anyone I see on open water dives even carries one. It might be nice to have in the ocean if you are stranded on the surface for a long wait (eg. boat went bye-bye without you) and the waves are starting to serious pick up. That being said I never carry one.
"Treat people as if they were what they ought to be and you help them to become what they are capable of being." - Johann W. von Goethe
01-19-2003, 06:58 PM,
Re:snorkel (what is it good for?)
I totally agree with you beeger - a snorkel is a total nuisance, and people should start using it for its intended purpose, which is snorkeling. For scuba, it totally messes with the profile, creates a lot of drag, is an entanglement hazard and is totally useless. For doing a surface swim, swim on your back and use your compass - you'll get exactly where you want, and if you need to look down to look for something, you can 1) use your reg, or 2) hold your breath - any diver should be able to easily hold his breath for at least a minute while doing some very light exercise - maybe something to work on in the monthly pool sessions.

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