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Nitrox class
07-08-2002, 07:09 PM,
Nitrox class
I'm planning on taking a nitrox class this summer.  Going Under offers the basic nitrox class (TDI) for $89.  Most other shops offer the class for $125-150.  Classes are scheduled by request and they need two people minimum.  Anyone want to take it with me? Classes are scheduled on Mondays from 6:30-10:30pm.
07-08-2002, 08:36 PM,
Re: Nitrox class
Jason,<br>What is TDI?  Does this/could this class complete the reqmnt for the PADI enriched air specialty?<br>If I can get the ER specialty, I'd hop on this opportunity in a second.<br>Thanks,<br>Dan
Dan L
07-09-2002, 05:47 AM,
Re: Nitrox class
Dan,<br><br>TDI is Technical Diving Intl ().  They provide technical diving education -- nitrox, decompression diving, trimix, etc.  The course is the equivalent of the PADI enriched air specialty -- just a different training organization.  You can get nitrox fills from any shop after taking this training.<br><br>Let me know when you would like to take the class.  I'll see if I can schedule it for us.  <br>
07-09-2002, 06:34 AM,
Re: Nitrox class
Jason, I'm planning on taking my AOW Aug. 2-4.  If you are planning on doing the Nitrox class after Aug. 4th I'd be interested in it since I'm assuming you need an AOW cert to take the Nitrox class?
07-09-2002, 07:05 AM,
Re: Nitrox class
I'll be completing my AOW that weekend also any time after that I'd be intrested.<br>MLD
MNLakeDiver (aka Jim)<br />The water is so cold I can see my breath !
07-09-2002, 10:47 AM,
Re: Nitrox class
Hi -<br><br>You guys don't know me but I did some diving with DanL in May.  Anyhow, the class at Going Under (GUDC) is excellent.  I'm not affiliated with them but Ron Benson and his staff are unmatched by other shops.   The class is very short and unlike PADI, TDI does not require dives and hence I this should account for price difference for basic Nitrox between PADI & TDI.  When you get the booklett from GUDC,  pay attention to the physics Dalton's diamond formula and solving any equation becomes a snap.  Nitrox is simple and that's all I dive because I typically make quite a number of dives a day when I take the time to drive all the way to Croby, Wazee or Superior.  Want to make the most diving possible for the effort to get to location.  Another thing at GUDC, they almost 100% of the time have premix'd 32 & 36 nitrox banks on hand so no waiting around to mix on the fly and they have a number of staff on hand that are all qualified to do these fills.<br><br>Thanks...<br><br>Pete
07-09-2002, 11:28 AM,
Re: Nitrox class
Thanks for the info Pete.  I would be interested to know how much nitrox fills cost at GUDC.<br><br>You don't need AOW to get basic nitrox. So, you guys can take the class at any time. I was hoping to do it in July, but if you guys want to wait until August I can wait.
07-09-2002, 11:28 AM,
Re: Nitrox class
Cool...thanks for the info Pete! Smile
07-09-2002, 11:31 AM,
Re: Nitrox class
Quote:You don't need AOW to get basic nitrox. So, you guys can take the class at any time. I was hoping to do it in July, but if you guys want to wait until August I can wait.
<br>Sounds good...then I'm open to taking it whenever you decide. Smile<br>
07-10-2002, 04:40 AM,
Re: Nitrox class
Jason -<br><br>In response to how much nitrox fills cost at GUDC, I alway purchase a prepaid nitrox punch card.  I think it works out to about 7 bucks and the nitrox air cards they sell at GUDC are like $70 and 10 little puch out spots.  I keep a wallet full of nitrox cards from GUDC and Bill up at Brainard has them too.  <br><br>One other thing about nitrox, you may want to consider 02 cleaning your tanks which I think is around $20+ dollars I can't really remember but that number sticks in my mind?  It's not absolutley mandetory up to 40% EAN mixes BUT there are advantages.  Do it at the same time you need your VIP.  Not all dive shops which do nitrox have premix'd banks so they need to shoot 100% 02 in first then fill the balance with air (21% 02/79% Nitrogen) and if your tank (s) are not 02 clean, they can't fill this way.  If you have your tanks O2 cleaned and then you decide to fill with straight air, make sure you are getting a "Hyper pure" air fill as most second class dive shops don't have hyper pure and their basic filter systems pass contaminats that are not good for O2 and can negate your O2 cleaning.  GUDC has Hyper Pure air and handles all 02 cleaning, etc.  Add $8+ bucks for a really nifty sticker and away you go.<br><br>Of course this all adds up in cost to get into nitrox and if you have lots of tanks (I own 8 tanks) it does cost some more.  nitrox up to 40% EAN is generally compatible with most equipment BUT CHECK YOUR MANUFACTURERS REGULATOR MANUAL FOR COMPATIBILITY. If you are diving titanium regs, there are issues there as 02 & titanium can be a fire hazard.  I still believe the little extra cost and considerations more than offset the benefits of Enriched Air Nitrox diving.  You absorb considerably less nitrogen and you can get in more diving.<br><br>Good luck and safe diving ...<br><br>Pete

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