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Going Under Dive Center Rebreather Forum
02-27-2003, 07:08 PM, (This post was last modified: 05-14-2003, 09:42 AM by Chuck_Northrup.)
Going Under Dive Center Rebreather Forum
Hello list,

Allow myself to introduce….myself. Some of you already know me, my name is Chuck Northrup and I work at Going Under Dive Center. I have been following the rebreather discussions on this page for a while now, but have refrained from joining in. It troubles me that there is so much malice, misinformation and manipulation when it comes to the discussion of rebreather technology in general, and the Inspiration specifically. A few of you seem to have a genuine thirst for information however, and I would like to extend you an opportunity to expand your diving knowledge.

Nothing can take the place of formal training, and more importantly experience, but I think an honest discussion hosted by informed individuals will satisfy some of your curiosities. I am inviting all of you to a rebreather orientation night at Going Under Dive Center. What I envision is a two evening program. The first night would be free and involve a show and tell of the Draeger Ray, Dolphin, Azimuth, and Inspiration Rebreathers. We would also discuss the Draeger Lar V, Megaladon, KISS style rebreathers, the RB80, the MK 15, and any other rebreather there was interest in. This may take 2-4 hours depending on the Q&A. The second evening would be optional and would involve a pool session where you would be able to try out a variety of the rebreathers we discussed the night before. There would be a $45 fee to cover the cost of rental/chemical/gas fills, etc. We would be able to accommodate 12 people at most for the pool session, first come first served.

My intention by offering this promotion is not to sell rebreathers. I am fairly sure that the majority of people who come to the seminar will never take a rebreather course or buy a unit, and that is fine with me. I am just taking the initiative to bring what information I have on rebreathers to the members of this list. Reading books, scanning internet sites, and buying into bullheaded propaganda does not make you an expert on rebreathers. Diving one, two, or even three different styles of rebreathers does not make you an expert. I am not claiming to be the definitive voice of reason. I want it made clear that I am not starting a “thread”. This email is not an invitation to slander. I understand that many of you on this list are extremely comfortable with your style of diving. Developing a configuration to suit your needs and perfecting it are the hallmarks of accomplished divers. I have nothing negative to say about Hogarthian configuration, nor would I deny the inherent redundancy of an Open Circuit set of dual 98’s and isolation manifold. I would not however say that it is the only, nor necessarily the “safest” way to dive.

For those who have an inquiring mind, I thought you may appreciate an opportunity to talk to those divers who are actually diving the unit. I hope that when you come away from the seminar you have a little better ability to make a rational decision about whether or not rebreather diving is for you, and perhaps even develop a little more tolerance towards alternate diving styles.

I would encourage anybody interested in the rebreather discussion night to email me off-list at Feel free to deliver hate mail in person.

Chuck Northrup
Going Under Dive Center
Don't believe the hype!
02-27-2003, 07:14 PM,
Re:Going Under Dive Center Rebreather Forum
Tell me when, and I will do my best to be there!
02-28-2003, 12:13 AM,
Re:Going Under Dive Center Rebreather Forum
Chuck, thank you and GUDC for providing the opportunity to the forum participants! Your time investment is appreciated.

Let's see. I could sit home and watch tv, or go check out some advanced dive equipment and learn for free. Hmmmm...

You got mail.
02-28-2003, 01:19 PM,
Re:Going Under Dive Center Rebreather Forum

I think this is a great idea. This will give all interested parties an opportunity to make a more educated decision on rebreathers. It seems that some have forgotten that diving is supposed to be fun. If a diver takes the time to study a piece of equipment or a diving style and then decides for or against... so be it. In the spirit of full disclosure, I should state that I am certified on a few models of rebreathers.
Safe diving
02-28-2003, 07:39 PM,
Re:Going Under Dive Center Rebreather Forum
Way to go Chuck. An excellent idea. A side-by-side comparison of features, pros, and cons of these rebreather models is just what is needed.
Safety first, ego last, actions speak louder than words or c-cards.
02-28-2003, 09:39 PM,
Re:Going Under Dive Center Rebreather Forum
Cool idea, Chuck. I'll be there. Just let me know the date and time.
02-28-2003, 10:51 PM,
Re:Going Under Dive Center Rebreather Forum
Thanks - I like your direct and open approach. Would like to attend the intro/discussion purely to learn, and, in the race for space, please sign me up for your pool session. Again, would just like the learning and to experience rebreathers.
Dan L
03-02-2003, 03:09 PM,
Re:Going Under Dive Center Rebreather Forum
Thanks for the invite, Chuck! I'm interested as well. Just need to know when/where.
- Dan
03-02-2003, 03:30 PM,
Re:Going Under Dive Center Rebreather Forum
This does sound interesting I will come to it.
03-03-2003, 10:34 AM,
Re:Going Under Dive Center Rebreather Forum
I'd like to attend

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