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National Geographic Documentary on L.R. Doty to air next week
05-11-2011, 09:20 PM,
Re: National Geographic Documentary on L.R. Doty to air next week
They must have used some of Ken Merrymen's file footage.
I was just told that even though I wasn't part of the Doty project.
Somehow footage of me on Ken's and my first dive ever on the Olive Jennette was included in the show
I haven't seen it yet, but was told there wasn't one second of DT on screen ;D
05-13-2011, 06:15 PM,
Re: National Geographic Documentary on L.R. Doty to air next week
Gosh, with posts from such distinguished members of the online posting community….I hate to pop anyone’s bubble, but WOW for a “washed up crazy old man with mental issues” I’m having a great time in Florida with my students Liz, Lee and Allan who I had traveled with in Cocos just a few months ago.  Please join me for the rest of my local diving season, diving and teaching rebreathers, busy all year.  Here is a picture of me with “Crazy Hair” and a bunch of photos of my students having a great time.

Crazy and Washed Up  ;D

Attached Files
.jpg   Crazy Hair.jpg (Size: 145.04 KB / Downloads: 80)
.jpg   Liz Allan Lee SG.jpg (Size: 216.58 KB / Downloads: 75)
.jpg   Liz Lee Boat.jpg (Size: 117.01 KB / Downloads: 82)
.jpg   Key Largo 5 11 605.JPG (Size: 172.01 KB / Downloads: 95)
.jpg_thumb   Crazy Hair.jpg_thumb (Size: 32.23 KB / Downloads: 0)
.jpg   Liz Allan Lee SG.jpg (Size: 216.58 KB / Downloads: 75)
.jpg   Liz Lee Boat.jpg (Size: 117.01 KB / Downloads: 82)
.jpg   Key Largo 5 11 605.JPG (Size: 172.01 KB / Downloads: 95)
Start with training, continue with adventures.
05-13-2011, 09:13 PM,
Re: National Geographic Documentary on L.R. Doty to air next week
Hey Bob,
I thought I saw your lime green suit on the show! You got more air time than the guy bragging about his huge $100 per sec. check hanging on his office wall. From what I saw, it looks like, maybe a $600 check.
05-14-2011, 06:13 PM,
Re: National Geographic Documentary on L.R. Doty to air next week
Silent Diver
I finally had a chance to see the show on NatGeo.
You're right I saw myself 3 times, that's pretty good considering I wasn't part on the expedition.
I could have missed it, but I didn't see the other guy at all.

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