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Square Lake
03-07-2002, 12:41 AM,
Square Lake
The LDS I'm going through goes to Square Lake for their OW dives.  Anyone been there who can tell me what to expect?
03-07-2002, 05:38 AM,
Re: Square Lake
It's pretty cool, although I'm sure more seasoned divers may get a littly bored with Square.  You'll notice a lot of plants on your swim out to about a depth of 7 or 8 ft and then it becomes a primarily soft mud/silt bottom once you get to deeper water towards the underwater platforms.  The water is quite clear usually 15 - 30 ft for visability so you can see fish.  the deepest spot I've found so far on the beach end of the lake was around 30 ft deep.
03-07-2002, 08:14 AM,
Re: Square Lake
Square Lake is nice because the water entry is so easy.  You also have ample space to gear up on shore.<br><br>You will find many fish hanging around the swim platform.  They have a diving platform sunk at about 25 feet.  Also, every year they setup an underwater course using rope.  The course leads you to various objects -- like part of an aircraft tail.<br><br>It is a good place to check out new gear.  <br><br>--Jason
03-08-2002, 06:02 PM,
Re: Square Lake
Square gets better as you get past where the students have screwed up the bottom.  From the beach in Golden Acres swim along the 12'-16' line following the shore to the left.  When you get out far enough in turns into a pretty nice vegetation covered flat that is in about 18'-20'.  If you stand on the shore you can see a marker pretty far up the shore to the left.  That is where you want to head.  After finishing BOW I can't see any reason to want to go back to the platforms.  There is actually some nice diving in Square.  Unfortunately most people associate Square with what they see after 5 classes have had at it on a weekend morning.<br><br>Tip 1 for MN diving, learn to frog kick and then only do that.  Very little can wreck the diving here more than the standard kick you see most people do.  A frog kick keeps the diver from stirring up the bottom.<br><br>The rope course is up all year long.  I swam part of it  in February.<br><br>If you aim for the center of the lake the bottom gets down to something like 63'.  A friend and I swam out once just to see where we would end up.  We turned around when we reached 54'.  A vast plain of mud.<br><br>JoelW  
03-09-2002, 05:03 AM,
Re: Square Lake
Joel, when you get down to 50 ft or deeper in the lakes locally can you see without a light?
03-09-2002, 06:06 AM,
Re: Square Lake
gp,<br><br>I would say it depends on the lake and the viz.   At 50' in Square with decent viz we didn't need one.  I took a swim in medicine, unfortunately right after it turned, and in 15' it was pitch black and a light just barely was working.  I would take a little light along on just about any dive here just because you never know what you are going to find.  The viz will also vary with depth.  Lake Elmo seems to clear below 40, but is hazy above it.  It also depends on the time of year.  I have a 3C battery light that clips on my harness and always goes along.<br><br>JoelW
04-06-2002, 03:35 PM,
Re: Square Lake
I've done most of my diving in Square Lake (before moving to the hinterland of Olivia).  Over the last 5 years the vis has worsened - natural varience or due to incr build up and run off around lake?  But do collect snails on your swim to the platform.  Crack the shells and feed the sunnies.  Sunnies are like little pirrahna.  And using up the snails is good for reducing the swimmers itch in the lake.
04-20-2002, 06:44 PM,
Dived Square today...
Jose and I dove Square Lake today.  Vis wasn't as good as usual, only about 10 ft.  I'm wondering if it was due to the heavy rainstorm we got earlier in the week.  It was still a fun dive though.   Water temp was 41 degrees F.   Smile
04-22-2002, 04:12 AM,
Re: Square Lake
Good thing you went diving when you did... I can't believe this weather... Would have been pretty cool to be diving while the snow was falling though.
05-18-2002, 06:09 AM,
Re: Square Lake
One of the common places to go at Square Lake is:<br>Golden Acres Campground<br>15150 Square Lake Trail North<br>7 mi North of Stillwater, 3mi off of Hwy 95 on Partridge Rd.<br>$3 to park<br>Phone: 651.430.1347<br>

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