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wt belt vs wt harness vs integrated wts vs nondumpable wts
06-16-2003, 12:03 PM,
wt belt vs wt harness vs integrated wts vs nondumpable wts
OK, as a recently certified rec diver I got the standard
BC with wt belt training. one hand release: must be able to ditch
all wts. works fine. esp when taking off geat in order to
get back on dive boat

As I looked into renting rec equipment I got the standard
BC with integrated wt pouch set up. one hand release for EACH wt
pouch, still able to ditch all group at a time

Then I started to drysuit dive. ugh. 29# in the front integrated
wt pouch is too heavy for me to hoist up onto my back with
the 35# tank...and forget about handing that monster up
to the divemaster on a I started looking at a wt harness...

Then I got sick of all the dangling hoses and the fat wt
pouches draggin on the lake bottom and started looking into
a more tech-like set up (H2/DIR) with a nice bp/wing...but
confused about the wt setup...ditchable or nonditchable...
seems the tech crowd has a nonditchable philosophy...

So, anyone got advice on how to choose my wt system?
06-16-2003, 12:52 PM,
Re:wt belt vs wt harness vs integrated wts vs nondumpable wts
I love the weight harness. (DUI) Carries the weight on my shoulders and its very easy to put on and take off. I still prefer to put the majority of weight in my weight harness instead of the weight pockets on the bp/w. It easy to swing that weight harness around than to lift/carry/etc a very heavy bp/w and weights. I would think in this case , it would be a personal preference. IMHO... I know most people just use the bp/w weight pockets.

Jean Smile
How's my diving? Call 1-800-EAT-FISH
06-16-2003, 01:02 PM, (This post was last modified: 06-16-2003, 01:02 PM by LKunze.)
Re:wt belt vs wt harness vs integrated wts vs nondumpable wts
I think it's a personal preference thing in just finding out what works best for you. For me I use a 6 lb. SS backplate with a 2 lb. STA and then wear the rest of the weight I need on a belt. Works great for me. One thing that I find is important if you are wearing a belt is getting a stainless steel buckle. I had many problems with the plastic buckles that come with most belts. The steel ones are more secure and don't pop off or slip.
06-17-2003, 09:56 PM,
Re:wt belt vs wt harness vs integrated wts vs nondumpable wts
I use both integrated wts (10lbs) and wt belt (16lbs) for wet
diving (7mm Farmer John w/6.5mm Shorty). Punky
06-18-2003, 04:31 AM,
Re:wt belt vs wt harness vs integrated wts vs nondumpable wts
I have used a DUI harness as well as a harness by a different manufacturer. I wasn't thrilled by either of them after the initial infatuation and so they are gathering dust (I broke a weight pocket tab on the DUI harness and couldn't get any help from them). These days I am happy with a steel tank, steel plate and a small amount of lead on a belt.

06-25-2003, 10:51 PM,
Re:wt belt vs wt harness vs integrated wts vs nondumpable wts
When we first started carrying weight integrated B.C.'s several years ago I tried diving integrated alone, and for warm shallow summer dives and vacation dives I find it very comfrotable. Under the ice, or walking down to the Mediera there's no way I'm going to put all of the weight in one place, so I use both the belt and the integrated weights, and ankle weights, and sometimes a tank weight. The more I can split it up the happier my back feels.

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