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Beginner looking at Scuba Gear
09-06-2004, 07:17 AM,
Re:Beginner looking at Scuba Gear
Although you certainly could wait until ging to Cozumel to obtain your certification, I would reccomend you get it NOW. Learn to dive here with one of the dive shops. Get at least a few dives under your belt. In this way when you arrive in Cozumel you will be a much better diver: less problems with bouyancy, less of an air hog, more familiar with various pieces of equipment, etc. In my opinion you will enjoy the experience a whole lot more, if you get certified now, and then go down as a certified diver. When we've been in Cozumel we've seen several divers obtaining their certifications. These divers are spending their time in paradise just learning and trying to demonstrate their basic open water skills to their instructor. Meanwhile we're off watching all of the pretty fishies ;D and going GA-GA over the coral swim throughs ;D. The new divers often experience MAJOR problems with bouyancy control. This is a big concern in a very delicate marine environment where crashing into the coral can have devastating results on both the diver and the coral. :-[ ( You can take a bouyancy class even in a pool this fall/winter which would help you to perfect these skills before going down to Cozumel.)

As to equipment Aly and I do a lot of local diving, and have taken our equipment down to Cozumel and used it down there also. About the only things we leave here are our 7MM suits (we bring our skins and 3/2 suits to Coz), our tanks, and our weights. Using our own equipment when traveling provides us with a higher level of confidence. Big Grin The equipment is familiar and we KNOW it is in good working order.


Messages In This Thread
Beginner looking at Scuba Gear - by davsholm423 - 09-04-2004, 02:26 PM
Re:Beginner looking at Scuba Gear - by DanL - 09-04-2004, 10:59 PM
Re:Beginner looking at Scuba Gear - by AandA - 09-06-2004, 07:17 AM
Re:Beginner looking at Scuba Gear - by aristoff - 09-07-2004, 09:20 AM

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