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Who disagrees with DIR and why?
09-13-2004, 01:29 PM,
Re:Who disagrees with DIR and why?
It seems to me in a sense that when the “debate” of whether one should be DIR or not, many keep circling back to the equipment configuration and whether its justified or not? I think its simply most divers’ nature to focus on the equipment, as this sport is centered on it. Though I believe some of those DIR gear configurations are NOT useful in some environments (though DIR claims to be) and some of the non-DIR configurations are NOT useful in others. That debate could go on forever, and if you find some open-minded DIR divers, I’m sure their always adjusting their gear sets also. DIR is not about the gear, otherwise it wouldn’t be an agency. DIR is about a its set standards, procedures, lifestyle, and attitude.

DIR created its own challenge (and flaw IMO) by it’s proponent name and its guise in and of itself, “Doing It Right”; as if all others have done it wrong or are doing it wrong? Sure, the name is an intriguing sales ploy – it got all of you interested at first, right? But it sets a standard of being a negative approach, one that doesn't embrace. But people are flawed and will never be able to fully do it perfectly, even if they label their attempt as doing so. So then when it comes down to the other DIR divers I've met, there's a few that stand out too much. Those who have been so brainwashed by their own self-righteous attitudes that they believe themselves to be an elitist or have achieved a level above all others (i.e. DRE) and then start name calling those who are inferior to them, as in “strokes”, etc.

So, its those who are the DIR-way-or-the-highway seemingly fascist-style evangelists that drum up the controversy. And where do they get a following? Why would you someone want to emulate a bully, some self-righteous know-it-all, or an elitist who considers all others inferior to them and the way they do things? I see only those who are self-conscious and have an inferiority complex to do so. As if their poo doesn't stink, and they are so much better than others. That rubs me the wrong way. Insert DRE here and I’m sure he’d say “screw you if you don’t like, you're just a stroke waiting to happen and they can't dive with the almighty dive king DRE.” I'll put my experience up against DRE any day and moreover, I think its just brainwashing those like him are propogating. I doubt they've even been in a cave (its true DRE never used a rebreather but acted like he was an authority on one), and I doubt most of the DIR-diehards are anything more than internet-divers. I would hope that kind of attitude is not what DIR is teaching as part of their fundamentals? Well if birds of a feather flock together, then DIR will remain on the outskirts of the diving community because of that egotistical attitude.

When this sport is supposed to be fun, for DIR to judge others as not doing it right is ludicris. Who is DIR to say who is excluded from this sport of diving and who isn’t? And why is it some people like DRE feel as if the whole world needs to know and learn DIR?

In the years I’ve been diving I’ve been all over the world and met a lot of our diving leaders and read a lot of other's exploits and research into the underwater realm. DIR is NOT the prevalent way for the majority of the divers who are pushing the edge and showing us the future. The people who do things are out doing them, not chatting about it. Their gear, training, and outlook is not labeled DIR, its simply getting the job done safetly and constantly evolving. And non of those leaders who are accomplishing so much, have half the attitude that make up the DIR camp nor do they put down others.

DRE and Kitty strong-armed and pushed for a DIR section when it was not needed. Now without any advanced DIR authority present, nor a unbiased levelheaded moderator available, I see no justification for DIR to be anything but a section in an advanced topic area. A year from now, this section will be collecting dust, just as it was before and after DRE and Kitty left to go be-little others elsewhere. Already its only become a debate of long hose or not and the focus is already away from DIR.

I enjoy being, what the little minded would label me as 'a stroke', as I don’t want to be the boy in the bubble who can’t go out and make mistakes and learn in the world. I enjoy OC, rebreathers, free diving, and plain having FUN in the water.
I enjoy not being perfect, but while all those who debate whether their attitude and gear is good enough to be judged or alienating by others, I and the majority will be out there having fun recreational diving and learning by our mistakes - but yet SAFE all the same!

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Re:Who disagrees with DIR and why? - by FMT - 09-15-2004, 08:01 AM
Re:Who disagrees with DIR and why? - by gp - 09-15-2004, 05:51 PM
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Re:Who disagrees with DIR and why? - by gp - 09-23-2004, 11:15 AM
Re:Who disagrees with DIR and why? - by Chris - 09-24-2004, 02:41 PM

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