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Prescription Mask vs. contact lenses with a norm Mask
03-09-2005, 03:11 PM,
Re: Prescription Mask vs. contact lenses with a norm Mask
I had the lasik eye surgery 6 years ago. I never minded my glasses and used a prescription mask before that, but after becoming a Divemaster and working out of a local dive shop I found the combination a pain in the butt. I would walk into the water, waste deep, with my glasses on so I could see the student’s gauges and gear configurations etc. (Not wanting to look like a dork wearing my prescription mask the whole time… grin). Then when we were ready to submerge I would walk back to shore and change to my mask. Big pain.
Soon I looked into and got the lasic surgery. I had it done in January. In the middle of February I made a trip to Bonne Terre Mine. It was very cool to take my mask off on the surface after a dive and see the pillars and stuff. Through the years I’ve never had a problem with diving and the surgery, though in the last year my age is getting up there and I am now looking into getting bifocal lenses put in my mask so I can read my gauges better. Any other questions I’d be happy to answer.
Rick Richter ~~~
Silent Helm
Underwater Productions

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Re: Prescription Mask vs. contact lenses with a norm Mask - by Drifter1430 - 03-09-2005, 03:11 PM

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