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Prescription Mask vs. contact lenses with a norm Mask
03-10-2005, 07:41 PM,
Re: Prescription Mask vs. contact lenses with a norm Mask
Glasses wearer here...  I have a Dacor Pursuit DL mask I bought a couple of years ago.  Love it.  As Beeger pointed out, there are standard lenses made which can be roughly matched to your prescription instead of getting custom lenses.  Worked great for me and significantly reduced the potential cost.  Contrary to Drifter1430, no pain for me with the glasses/mask swap.  I see well enough out of my mask to use them as glasses until I get wet.  I've considered Lasik a few times but whenever I get serious and do my homework, it always seems there's a new technology coming out that promises to be much better... and it's only a matter of time (and usually not long) until the price comes down significantly.  I'll consider Lasik again and the cycle will start over again!  In the meantime, I can spend my $ on diving...
- Dan

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Re: Prescription Mask vs. contact lenses with a norm Mask - by javelindan - 03-10-2005, 07:41 PM

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