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Prescription Mask vs. contact lenses with a norm Mask
03-14-2005, 02:32 AM,
Re: Prescription Mask vs. contact lenses with a norm Mask
Quote:Was it a local clinic where you had it done? I know that there can be a huge difference in quality/safety between clinics.

      I’m from Milwaukee, Wisconsin and went to a local eye surgery clinic. My eye surgeon has since moved to Racine but I still go to him for an eye check up every “several” years… Seems to me most clinics that have been around awhile must have a good quality/safety record. Do your research, talk to local friends that have had it done. Find out where they got it and if they would do it again.
     Just before I went in for the surgery they gave me a sheet with a list of things that could go wrong. ( Exactly what you need just before going in for the surgery. Grin) Blindness was not on the list. Worse thing that was listed was that it might get infected and you would still have to wear glasses. I’m sure if you searched the internet you could find some horror stories somewhere, but speaking for myself and quite a few people I work with, it was the best money I ever spent.
Rick Richter ~~~
Silent Helm
Underwater Productions

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Re: Prescription Mask vs. contact lenses with a norm Mask - by Drifter1430 - 03-14-2005, 02:32 AM

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