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My AOW pictures from this weekend.
09-21-2005, 07:55 PM,
Re: My AOW pictures from this weekend.
We "landed" at 129' at St. James Pit a few weeks ago.  I was most certainly apprehesive, and really focused on everything around me.  What I felt was dizziness.  We only stayed for 30 seconds or so, and I gave a slanted "thumbs up" to my buddy, and he knew...

The apprehension was more of a feeling of claustrophobia, if I had to compare it to anything I know.  But I feel with 100' more water above me than my average dives, I really need to bring the training to the front of my mind, and be ready. 

My previous deep dive was around 100', and my partner's reg free flowed, and my mind switched so quickly to the training...I grasped my partners bc, and stayed close with him until we got to warmer water, and the situation was fixed.  But, boy, does a freeflow eat up air!


Messages In This Thread
Re: My AOW pictures from this weekend. - by gp - 09-20-2005, 03:28 PM
Re: My AOW pictures from this weekend. - by flyboy65 - 09-21-2005, 07:55 PM
Re: My AOW pictures from this weekend. - by gp - 09-22-2005, 11:07 AM

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