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BARE POLARWEAR CT-200 Extreme Drysuit
04-28-2006, 05:22 AM, (This post was last modified: 04-28-2006, 05:26 AM by LKunze.)
Re: BARE POLARWEAR CT-200 Extreme Drysuit
I'm guessing you'd still have to layer with that to be warm enough diving in water temps lower than 55F. Most people myself included that are wearing thinsulate undies for our cold water diving are using the thicker 400G thinsulate .  I still layer a fleece top under my 400G and sometimes even wish I had a vest to add to it.  According to DUI's chart the 200G insulate is recommended for water temps of 55F - 65F and the 400G for 35F - 50F.  I realize you are talking about the Bare undies but they are made of the same grade B thinsulate material as the DUI's are so they should be pretty similar.  The grade B thinsulate is what you probably want as it is the more dense "boot grade" material that doesn't compress as easily as the other types of thinsulate.  This means that you do not need as much loft or air/argon in your drysuit to stay warm.

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Re: BARE POLARWEAR CT-200 Extreme Drysuit - by gp - 04-28-2006, 05:22 AM

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