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Going Under Dive Center Treasure Hunt
09-08-2007, 07:20 AM, (This post was last modified: 09-08-2007, 07:22 AM by lexmar_777.)
Re: Going Under Dive Center Treasure Hunt
Amazing to think that 2 grown men (especially a Maple Grove dive shop owner) could be so immature with your "where's waldo?" game.

Let alone write something like this about there previous employers, friends and dive customers.
here's your next clue Ron Benson and Fran's...

where's a a good attorney? A damn good one.

Because One wont be filing suits against you... 3 will.
Grow up.
Sell the shop, and move on.
You have clearly proven we dont deserve either one of you.
Nor do we want your sick mind games.

-----Original Message-----
From: Ron Benson []
Sent: Friday, September 07, 2007 8:45 AM
To: _ _ _ _ _  _ __ __ _
Subject: RE: Waldo


Not sure what “Fat and Stupid” is alluding to when he says: Yeh, he probably pays debts like scuba shop owners.
I sat across from F&S at Dicks bar in Osseo listening to F&S complain about how he is not appreciated at the dive store, so I told him that he was basically a dive master who should become a scuba instructor.  He lacked the finances to afford the instructors training, so I pulled a $1100 out of my wallet and passed it to him with a request that he keep it between us and he could pay me back over time.  It was not a month later when he was attending the DEMA trade show where he was 69’ing Waldo and he ran out of money…so I handed him $300 and bought him a few drinks while introducing him to some of the celebrities in the tech dive community.  Not long after this, F&S sends me a letter requesting to work at Going Under Dive Center – yet he hates the female store manager – and he sucks on a former employees dick that used to manage our store who was working with Waldo to purchase our store… I tell F&S in a very private email to stay clear of Max and that the former employee who he sucks dick has too big of an ego to try and run a dive store…. Now I’ve known Fat & Stupid for some ten years and I don’t expect him to publicly post my private emails as I was sincerely trying to help him be less stupid although less fat would ease the ruts in the highways…so F&S posts my email to everyone on the internet he knows…Fat and Stupid

If you want to forward this email to mr pickle barrel or let him know that any ignorant comments he makes are all public domain

called ms. waldo and could only leave a message, she did not return my call?

where is waldo?


-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Thursday, September 06, 2007 6:13 PM
Subject: Fwd: Waldo
Lex and Mar

Messages In This Thread
Re: Going Under Dive Center Treasure Hunt - by lexmar_777 - 09-08-2007, 07:20 AM
Ron Benson and Frans - by lexmar_777 - 09-08-2007, 11:51 AM

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