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Interesting video
12-11-2007, 07:16 PM,
Re: Interesting video
This is a great video. I am fortunate enough to have learned from the best. Ron Benson, for all of his personality faults is one of, if not the best, most accomplished divers/instructors we have in this market. In fact I think he was John J's 1st tech instructor. I have dove the CCR, albeit in a pool environment. I do own and regularly dive a Dolphin SCR and I think John also started on a Dolphin SCR. John as you know is a very accomplished diver and an instructor on the Inspiration as well. I received my training from CN111, who was trained by Ron B. The #1 thing beaten into my head was, 'if something feels wrong it is, switch to OC and abort the dive. Ron and Chuck believe in carrying a separate bailout. So do I.
I had 1 dive that was similar to this persons experience.
I had left the cover off of my scrubber cannister fro a couple of weeks. ( I didnt know any better?), I know I was told to not do that, however I just didn't realize the ramifications.
During the dive I started to feel just like this guy did, Rule # 1 (switch to OC and abort the dive. I did just that. I always carry a 30CF pony plus I have an air 2 on my Drager bottle. I switched, told my buddy what I was doing and we surfaced. I am still alive today. Thanks to Ron and Chuck.
I have roughly 120 dives on the Dolphin. For me it is a great fun tool. However it is still a machine and I don't trustĀ  machines.
Anyway, CN111 isĀ  not instructing anymore, however don't be afraid of the re breather world. They are a great tool in their place.
The fact that people were reusing the scrubber is just plain frugality. Scrubber is about 10-15 dollars per fill. What is their life worth.
John may do a re breather intro at sometime in the future. If he does, attend. even though you may not ever want to dive one, remember "a good diver is always learning". i take that 1 more step. " a good diver is always learning"



Messages In This Thread
Interesting video - by john j - 12-10-2007, 05:58 PM
Re: Interesting video - by airdownthere - 12-10-2007, 09:48 PM
Re: Interesting video - by wtdrm - 12-11-2007, 07:16 PM
Re: Interesting video - by MAXFACTOR - 12-12-2007, 12:19 PM
Re: Interesting video - by jasondbaker - 12-12-2007, 08:46 PM
Re: Interesting video - by john j - 12-13-2007, 11:46 AM
Re: Interesting video - by arcFlash - 12-13-2007, 03:34 PM
Re: Interesting video - by AandA - 12-13-2007, 05:22 PM

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