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CPR found to be somewhat effective with compression's only
07-30-2010, 07:16 PM,
Re: CPR found to be somewhat effective with compression's only
Congratulations on the save!  I was an EMT for 12 years (1995 to 2007) somewhere in there, about 2004 I was lucky enough to get to respond to a person down.  He was about 80 years old and staring sightlessly up at the ceiling when I and a former Paramedic arrived.  The old Paramedic did this "flick" thing and the victims dentures went flying out.  He proceeded to do Oxygen by the Manually Triggered Ventilator (They won't let us use them anymore because someone's afraid we're going to blow out a lung or something!)  I've got the AED and Thank Heavens this man was wearing a snap front shirt...Buttons would have gone flying!  Wink  A Very Newly Certified EMT came to assist us with chest compressions while I set up the AED.  You should have seen the smile on his face as he was getting to do real CPR!  ;D  AED Pads in place I called for everyone to clear while it assessed the victim and then shocked him, and again, and again.  He came back after the third shock and was restless and trying to talk with the Paramedics as they wheeled him away.

Side note:  The shift after mine had to deal with the family members who were upset that the were not informed that their dad had been sent to the hospital.  How were we to know...He didn't have a tag saying who to contact...

The nurses in the hospital informed the family that they should be happy that WE had saved the man, and that he was "dead" before we brought him back for the hospital to be able to take care of him!

My name is Lisa and I'm a SCUBAholic. It's been toooo long since my last dive!

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Re: CPR found to be somewhat effective with compression's only - by DiverQueen - 07-30-2010, 07:16 PM

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