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CPR found to be somewhat effective with compression's only
08-01-2010, 09:59 AM, (This post was last modified: 09-12-2010, 06:17 AM by BigC.)
Re: CPR found to be somewhat effective with compression's only
It really does feel good when we get to do our jobs and it works out in the end! Some people would be surprised at the response of the family, but it happens ALL to frequently. The sisters of my lady were bitchin about breaking her ribs and causing massive hematomas on her front.....said maybe I used excessive people don't know that CPR is the most traumatic thing the body can go through and if you don't break ribs.....your not doing it right.

Ah well...she is doing good and they family can think whatever they want.
&quot;Gentle determination is the true strength of a man&quot;<br />My Mom<br />1946 ~ 2001<br />Cancer is not a faceless disease

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Re: CPR found to be somewhat effective with compression's only - by BigC - 08-01-2010, 09:59 AM

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