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sorry guys, been spending way too much time at cruisersforum
12-31-2010, 07:54 PM,
Re: sorry guys, been spending way too much time at cruisersforum

Sorry arcflash, my minds made up about how we're going to go about this..having read about too many others who have done it, I am with complete confidence that I and my wife can also quick learn to handle a blue water cat.  Others may think it a gamble, I think with the right approach, it doesn't need to be.  I don't want to sail a small boat, I did plenty of that with the tippy 14', I want to sail a larger boat and will jump right on to learn that.  You know, even those that take those week long sailing courses still don't come away with much experience or many hours under their belt... I would imagine, with some good instruction, and owning our own boat, we will gain both in short order.  And if it takes years of experience as you say, and I do not doubt that as I'm sure the weather will bring you plenty of surprises along the way, then I think we should best be getting started on those years of experience as soon as possible.  So this will be the plan, spend some time with some experienced sailors, spend some time getting acquainted with the nuances of our boat, and hopefully, with mother natures cooperation, work gradually into the more demanding knots of wind and currents, and take it from there.

The boats we are looking at are well known for their ocean going capabilities, but also of a size that can be handled by 2.  We have been looking at well equipped 37 - 40' cats.  No experience other than about a year of reading, reading, reading, reading... reading, reading.  Oh, and that tippy 14' with the gybe and main.

One thing we do have tentatively lined up is going with some folks we know on a 40+' cat that they bareboat charter later this winter, but  I think if we own a boat by then, they might be joining us instead of doing the bareboat.

Cold and dark down there huh?

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Re: sorry guys, been spending way too much time at cruisersforum - by freedivernd - 12-31-2010, 07:54 PM

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