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The Argonauts John or Jean Francois ???????
06-22-2011, 11:19 AM,
Re: The Argonauts John or Jean Francois ???????
Wow.  I could have saved you a bunch of time -- my posts are not that interesting.

No chip on my shoulder -- but I had to set the record straight on the great job the LDS's do on their summer diving programs, which were being dissed by those that did not take the time to find out the facts.

I try to add comments regarding my experience where I think it is helpful (if you read my posts, you've seen that regarding the St. Cloud Quarries, Green Lake, etc.).  I've had lots of diving experiences worldwide in many different types of environments.  I just don't feel the need to drone on about 30+ years worth of diving that may (or may not) be that interesting to anyone else. 

If I offended you, I apologize for that.  But it is important to realize that there is no "right" way to enjoy diving.  That was my only point.

I'm off to the lake.

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Re: The Argonauts John or Jean Francois ??????? - by Deltaforce - 06-22-2011, 11:19 AM

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