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Puerto Rico
03-13-2012, 07:50 PM,
Re: Puerto Rico
Well, I wish I had something to report back to you about on the diving in Puerto Rico... but I didn't get any dives in. Don't let my opinion of Puerto Rico sway your thoughts of visiting Puerto Rico as The diving would have been pretty good if the weather hadn't churned it all up... I tried to set something up a few different times but the dive shops I tried weren't bringing anyone out. 6' to 7' seas most of the time in the South and East coast, higher on the North and West coast. The viz was better for snorkeling on the West and North coast, but the waves hammered you into the rocks pretty hard. In my opinion the people in Puerto Rico were not the friendliest... except in the NW corner near Rincon. Some of the older people near Rincon came to the island for the first Surfing World Championship in 1968 and they liked it so much they never left. Its like a time warp there where all these ex-pats from the states hang out and live at a much slower pace. These people are cool old dudes (literally). The other 98% of the 4 million people living on the island are still pissed about the Spanish/American war. Suffice it to say that I won't be retiring in Puerto Rico. I also think it will be a long, LONG time before Puerto Rico becomes the 51st state. I ended up taking 600 photos (mostly on land) and 100 videos. Some of the videos of driving through the mountains are moderately entertaining with washouts in the blacktop roads coming almost to the centerline (if they had enough ambition to actually paint a centerline). So minus the poor viz, the people, and bringing the mother-in-law with, it was a good trip. Smile

Messages In This Thread
Puerto Rico - by DetectorGuy - 03-06-2012, 06:39 AM
Re: Puerto Rico - by DetectorGuy - 03-13-2012, 07:50 PM
Re: Puerto Rico - by Hydro - 03-14-2012, 09:43 AM
Re: Puerto Rico - by Terry - 03-14-2012, 09:20 PM
Re: Puerto Rico - by Hydro - 03-16-2012, 04:15 PM
Re: Puerto Rico - by DetectorGuy - 03-16-2012, 05:07 PM

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